Chapter 27 - Riverside chat

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Remembering the sausage roll reminded Rosco of something else, "Oh, Hayden?" completely switching gears, "Why did you want to come out here? You never told me."

"I wanted to clear up your questions about last night's attack and explain what we need to do next" Hayden replies concisely.

"Okay," the boy nods, liking the sound of that, "By why here?"

Hayden shrugs, "No reason really."

Scoffing, Tansy kicks Hayden in the arm, lecturing the god in their tinkling little voice, making several obvious indicators at Rosco.

"Not necessarily." Hayden defends.

Fear and curiosity eat at Rosco, "What are you talking about?" he asks, inching closer.

"Tansy is making things up, ignore them." Hayden dismisses the wildflower with a flick of his wrist. Tansy scrunches up their face, plopping down to sit on a larger pebble clearly displeased.

"I'll start at the beginning," Hayden changes the subject in a tone that says the matter is firmly closed, "You can ask anything you feel needs to be clarified." Rosco nods, leaning back on his elbows to get comfortable. The sun had dipped behind the trees, sprinkling them with patterns of shadow and light. Gentle wind carries the soft scent of water and pine trees, a little too chill now that the warmth of the sun was dulled. Rosco relaxes into the sunbaked pebbles beneath him, soaking in the last of the distant star's fading heat. Rolling up to a sitting position, the god fixes his steady white eyes on the boy, "This began with the incident in the street yesterday." His tone betrays no emotion, but Rosco remembered how angry Hayden had been about it, "Those men would have no recollection of events or orders given to them when their spirits were separated from their bodies, but the orders remain. That is likely the reason behind their harsh treatment of you. Unconsciously they were looking for others with a strong connection to the spirit realm, and by interacting with you the way they did, they left behind a trail that could be later followed."

"How so?" Rosco's question slips from his lips before he has a chance to consider if it's okay to ask or not.

The corners of Hayden's eyes crinkle with his non-smile smile, "When humans interact, you leave impressions on one another, like little echoes of yourselves. Most interactions are trivial, leaving only the slightest impressions, that quickly fade. But impressions with strong emotions attached, are deeper and longer lasting. Under the right conditions, those impressions can be located."

Relived the god wasn't upset by the interruption, Rosco motions for Hayden to continue, absorbing this new realization.

"Tansy, having followed them, noticed the contracts and continued watching to relay the information to me later. When Tansy realized the spirits were looking for you, Tansy attempted to intercede," The wildflower flutters over, snuggling into Rosco's neck, upset all over again. "But the spirits were very determined, and Tansy was forced to wake you, least you be pushed through to the other side."

Deep affection for the tiny spirit wells in Rosco's heart, "Thanks for looking out for me," nudging the wildflower at his neck.

"You would have been in no danger they had succeeded," Hayden growls lowly, "I would have noticed your absence immediately."

Rosco's eyes flicks back to Hayden, getting himself caught in the intensity of the god's gaze, "H-how did you k-n-now we needed h-help?" he stumbles over his words, feeling insufferably shy.

Hayden's brow ticks together, shaking his head slightly, "Your prayer?" intonation suggesting it should have been obvious.

pressing and pulling the sentence in his head, "I-I don't get it?" Rosco mumbled, trying to force understanding. He didn't remember praying, he doesn't even know how to pray.

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