Chapter - 72 Curious?

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Flynn waits until he's sure Barren is gone before speaking again.

"So, are you like in love with that god guy or is it just like a physical thing?"

Tansy gasps. Rosco's mug falls out of his hand, clattering loudly as his attempts to catch it only make the mess significantly worse, spilling his tea everywhere.

Shooting up to his feet, "I'm sorry, what?" Rosco's brain supplies while his mind is locked in a blind panic.

Flynn rolls his eyes, "Don't get all shy now. You're about as subtle as a thunderstorm on the plains."

Rosco's nose scrunches automatically, "I'm sorry, a thunderstorm on what?"

"You're obvious." Flynn translates, tossing him a cloth for the mess.

Catching it with his face, Rosco slowly pulls it away from his eyes, "You're not- I mean," Swallowing thickly, "Are you going to report me?" he asks in a strangled whisper.

Flynn laughs, "I'm an illegal witch, Rosco. If I went to the authorities for anything, I'd be fucked."

"Oh, right," the boy nods, clutching the towel tightly, only vaguely aware of the tea running off the table onto the ground at his feet, "It's um, not like that with Hayden though. I mean, he's not- or well, he doesn't- uh, I mean there's nothing, um," cheeks flaming red, "even remotely physical going on at all." Eyes glued to the floor, "He's not like me." Tansy floats to his shoulder, their expression a mix of frustration and sympathy.

Wincing a little, Flynn grabs a cloth to come help Rosco clean up, "Sorry, it looked like such a sure thing, but that guy is kinda hard to read."

Rosco's eyes go wide as Flynn willingly approaches him, even casually brushing against him as he leans to start wiping up.

"I shouldn't have said anything," Flynn mumbles apologetically.

"You're not grossed out by me?" Rosco asks astonished.

Flynn stills, rocking back on his heels to give Rosco a very slow and very deliberate once over. Tansy bristling a bit on Rosco's shoulder.

"Not in the slightest." The other boy confirms with a toothy grin.

Rosco shivers under the attention, and he can see the recognition of it light in Flynn's eyes. The other boy rises, swiftly and expertly pinning Rosco against the table. An arm on either side of him, holding him in place. Tansy begins to hiss and then very uncharacteristically halts, thinking it over and then hopping down to stand on the table and watch.

"In fact," the other boy purrs, coming a little too close, "I've been trying to get you to look at me since you got here."

It's not like Rosco hasn't noticed him. Flynn is certainly attractive and even though the other boy isn't exactly his type, Flynn has qualities Rosco finds appealing. He's fun and easy to talk to, but he also carries a confidence that screams he cares little what others think of him. It was more that Rosco never thought he would be noticed in the same way that had made him not see the attraction now burning in Flynn's eyes.

"There." Flynn grins triumphantly, leaning back to give Rosco a little breathing room, "Now I have your attention." Rosco gulps and Flynn sighs wistfully, "You sure that guy isn't capitalizing on this crush of yours? You're like absurdly kissable."

"I am?" Rosco mutters breathlessly.

Chuckling, "Oh yeah." The brown-haired boy confirms with an undeniable spark of mischief lighting his eyes, "You ever been kissed before, cutie?"

Rosco shakes his head, and it's a good thing Flynn had back off or he would have been wacked in the face with curls. "H-have you?"

Flynn grins in answer, "Are you curious? I'd be happy to show you just how kissable you are."

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