Chapter 58 - Acceptance

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Rosco twists his fingers into Hayden's hand and the familiar calm of his touch washes over him. The calm mingles with his nerves and comes up a little lacking, so Rosco tightens his grip. Hayden answers back the small plea with a squeeze, offering all the reassurance Rosco had sought and then some. Rosco clears his throat to gain the attention of his travel companions. Kenneth looks over from his place on the wagon seat. Tansy already knows what is coming so they don't bother to shift from their place perched on Kenneth's shoulder. Gabby looks up from her reading, nestled comfortably in the wagon. They had been traveling in easy silence since lunch, each person immersed in their own thoughts, giving Rosco ample time to mull over his decision.

"I uh, wanted to tell you something." Rosco starts, gnawing on his lip, "If that's alright?"

"Rosco," Kenneth laughs good-naturedly, "you almost talk nonstop. If telling us something was a problem, we'd have let you know by now."

Rosco blushes at Hayden's soft chuckles from over his shoulder, "This is serious!" the boy complains, some of his nervousness abated by the teasing.

"Papa, be nice to Rosco," Gabby scolds, closing her book to listen to him properly. A perfect little lady.

"Sorry, Rosco." Kenneth hums with a smile, "We're listening, go on."

Rosco glances back at Hayden for that last hit of encouragement. Hayden tilts his head at him curiously. Biting back the smile pushing at his cheeks, Rosco turns his eyes back to the others, "The gods aren't really gods, they're spirits, and I can see them, and speak to them." Rosco explains in a rush, figuring the faster he says it the less time he has to over think it.

"I knew it!" Kenneth shouts excitedly. Gabby's mouth twists up in distaste as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Okay, well the god thing I didn't know," Kenneth amends, "I'm gonna need you to explain that more, but I told you it wasn't fairies!" turning his triumphant grin on his daughter.

Feeling a little lost, Rosco glances between the father daughter pair, "Uh, well one of the one's traveling with me is actually pretty fairy like." pointing to Tansy on Kenneth's shoulder, "But what do you mean, you knew it?"

"I saw you talking to them," Gabby informs, turning her own grin on her father, "And I think that should count!"

Kenneth frowns, "How fairy like?" he asks the boy very seriously.

Hayden laughs again and Rosco just blinks at the two; stunned for a moment, trying to figure out why how much Tansy is or is not like a fairy is the thing the family had chosen to focus on.

Tansy is giving Rosco a look that suggested he best choose his next words carefully.

"Uh, well," trying to order his thoughts before he gets himself into a verbal muddle, "They kinda look like a tiny person with wings?" he answers apprehensively, glancing at Tansy to see if that fits the wildflower's approval. Kenneth throws his hands up in defeat, yanking Mable's reins in the process and making the horse whiny unhappily. Gabby smile turns smug. Tansy shrugs their little shoulders, consenting to the validity of Rosco's description. Straightening suddenly, the wildflower chatters quickly, pointing to Kenneth.

Hayden lets out an amused hum, leaning down unnecessary to whisper in Rosco's ear, "They want you to tell him their name." Hayden whispered words leaving a lingering heat on the shell of his ear. Tansy clasps their hands together in a silent plea and all the while Kenneth is busy admitting defeat in his bet with his daughter.

"Is this my life now?" Rosco asks, "Playing three-way translator?"

The remainder of the day's travel is spent passing messages back and forth between Tansy and the Millers. Tansy would speak, Hayden would then translate, and Rosco would repeat the message for the sake of those who couldn't hear it. Gabby is quite happy to get to talk with a 'fairy', even if that's not really what Tansy is. Tansy is beside themself getting to ask Kenneth direct questions and poor Kenneth is oblivious to the fact that the wildflower is falling even deeper in love with him.

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