Chapter 20 - Everyone loves apple cider

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Hayden had asked Rosco to lead them to a place to eat and since Rosco was feeling a little more desperate to please than normal, he did so without question. But then Hayden tried to order some food for Rosco, and he ended up crying again. He didn't want to offend the god but there was just no way he was going to be able to eat anything. Hayden was upset about upsetting him, which was weird, but insisted he wasn't angry. Rosco eventually settled with letting Hayden order him a spiced cider, it seemed safe enough. The warm amber liquid was now heating the sides of the mug in Rosco's hands. It's actually kind of calming, he'd just ordered it to make Hayden happy, but he's glad he did. He breathes in the pungent scent of apples and spices, tickling his nose. The cider smells so nice, but Rosco is still hesitant to take a sip. He's brought the mug to his lips several times, only to chicken out before sampling it.

"What did you learn from the crowd?" Hayden asks, eyes cast out over the people passing on the nearby street.

The question momentarily brings back up the torrent of emotion that had swept him away before. Leaving his steaming mug on the table, Rosco Swallowing them all down, "Nothing much," he admits reluctantly, twisting his ring under the table, out of view, "The guard had been right to warn us about kids my age disappearing. I know you thought that meant children, but from what I heard, most of the missing are in their teens." Shrugging his shoulders and avoiding eye contact, "There seems to be little more than age linking the victims together. They came from all over the city, some even from outside the city walls in the surrounding countryside. Not even all the victims' family's worship at the mountain god's- spirit's," He corrects quickly, "temple. One person I spoke to, told me of friends who worshiped the river gods that had missing, and some that followed no one." Hayden didn't seem upset with him yet, but he still felt the need to explain himself, "Just because I hadn't found a pattern didn't mean one didn't exist, and even if it doesn't, the victims being completely random is also a clue in some ways, but," hanging his head, "I don't have enough information to make that determination yet either. I'm sorry. I should have tried harder," almost pleadingly his eyes turn up, "I- I'll go back tomorrow and ask some more questions."

"That's not necessary. You did well,"

"Really? I did good!?" A few other patrons glance over at the sudden outburst.

Hayden tilts his head quizzically. Sensing he's coming on a little strong, Rosco drops his eyes back to the table, wrapping his hands around his mug.

"Yes," Hayden says slowly. Rosco can still feel the god's eyes watching him skeptically, "The mountain spirits are most assuredly involved," the god shakes his head, "It seems Manarow himself has not crossed through to this world in quite some time, but the smaller mountains refused to speak with me, going as far as to insist there was nothing amiss. If nothing you can see on the outside links the missing children, then we can assume it must be something on the inside. I would venture, the ones missing have a stronger connection to the spirit realm."

"Spirit realm?" Attempting another sip at his cider.

"Yes." Hayden nodded, "This world is layered between two others," Making a sandwich with his hands, "Below you," indicating his lower hand, "is the spirit realm, where Tansy and all the other spirits are from and live most of the time. Above," Moving his other hand, "Is the physical realm. Nothing lives there, it is only form and substance, no life. This world," tightly pressing his hands together, "Exists in all the places the first two touch."

"That's so cool!" He leans forward, so lost in the explanation he forgot the cider, "What is the spirit realm like?" Turing on the little wildflower, "Do you go there often? Is it okay that you've been staying here with me? How do you get back and forth between the two?" fixing his questions back on Hayden, "What about the physical realm? What does that look like? Why is that the only place where nothing lives?"

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