Chapter 50 - Which witch?

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Ash makes a big show of being annoyed by Rosco's endless questions, answering most with as few words as possible or acting as if Rosco is very stupid for not knowing the answer. But they do answer each and every question diligently and they don't try to burn him again and once they dry out a bit, they even show him a handful of lava. So Rosco is counting this as a success.

When Hayden returns with the pouting wildflower, Tansy immediately gives Rosco a through once over, finding him unharmed they settle on his shoulder to needlessly growl at Ash. Ash skips to Hayden's side, throwing their arms around his neck, nuzzling into the god's shoulder.

Hayden's frown melts away, wrapping his arms around the fire spirit in a tight hug, "Ash," He begins curiously, "where is ember?"

"They left when we realized master wasn't coming back." Rosco can hear the contempt in Ash's tone, even muffled in Hayden's chest.

Hayden pulls away, concern etched into his face, "Have you been alone all this time?"

Ash crosses their arms, avoiding Hayden's eyes, "Well it's not as if anyone else would come visit me."

The god sighs, pinching his nose, "Did you get along with Rosco?"

Rosco tenses, expecting Ash to complain about him, but the fire spirit just eyes the boy a moment then leans up on their toes to whisper in the god's ear. Whatever they say has the corners of Hayden's eyes crinkling in that lipless smile of his.

"His soul reminds me of the other one," Ash mutters aloud, "But that one didn't talk so much."

"What other one?"

Ash winces, guilt written all over their face, "It's a secret?" they offer uncertainly.

"Does this secret have anything to do with my sister?" Hayden presses, no longer smiling or playful.

Ash shifts uncomfortably, the strange flickering of their movements exaggerating the subtle motion, "She's the one who said it was a secret."

"Ash," Hayden says very seriously, "Do you know where life is?"

"I don't." Ash promises, shaking their head earnestly, "I would tell you if I did. I want her to come home." stealing a look at Rosco, "But," chewing at their lips, "I know who might."

Hayden grabs Ash's arms, forcing their attention back to him, "What do you mean?"

"I can't say much," The spirit insists, "Master made me promise, you know I can't break a promise made to her."

"Did she tell you not to tell me, or not to tell anyone else?"

Ash looks up thoughtfully for a moment, "She didn't want the others to know, not even Ember. A secret just for me," the spirit smiles proudly, "but she didn't say anything about you."

Hayden breathes deeply, his excitement crackling in the air, charging it with electricity, "What can you tell me?"

"Everyone believes I was the last to see her before she vanished, but I wasn't." looking back to Rosco again.

"She was with someone else before she disappeared? A person like Rosco?"

Ash doesn't really answer, letting their eyes slowly move from Rosco back to Hayden, "That boy doesn't know how to use his power, you should take him to a witch in the south, he can teach him."

"What?!" Hayden and Rosco demand in matching confusion.

Now Ash is also confused, "You don't know?"

"No, I didn't!" turning his attention to the boy, "Rosco, why have you never mention being a witch?"

"I'm not!" Rosco insists, his heartbeat rising into his ears.

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