Chapter 36 - Carry them

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"He has found rest," Hayden tells them softly, his eyes not lifting from the light in his hands, "Go," he commands more firmly, "Soon everyone will know, you should all be at your posts." One by one the mountain spirits come forward, brushing their fingers over the small orb before leaving though a summoned doorway. Dora hangs back until all the others have gone. She says her own goodbyes to her brother and then lingers, casting an uneasy glance at Rosco and twisting her fingers. Hayden shifts his weight ever so slightly from one foot to the other and the small mountain just about jumps out of her skin, retreating several steps. Rosco can't help but be a little impressed by her ability to still appear dignified while so visibly shaken.

"I," clearing her throat and trying again, "I," successfully sounding more composed this time, "I know you trusted me to keep him out of harm's way." Dora begins, speaking carefully, like she expects the smallest word to set off Hayden's wrath, "I failed you, and him, and my siblings," worrying at her fingers again, "But I can't apologize for choosing to leave him here, and if I had to do it over, I would make the same choice. The evidence of your claim is all over him, anyone willing to look close enough will be able to reach the same conclusion I did. I was careless with him, but you cannot afford to be." Eyes falling to her hands, "I do not wish to see him hurt for another's gain again."

"Rosco?" Hayden calls, eyes still narrowed on the mountain spirit.

Rosco blinks, "Huh?" knocked out of his thoughts by the sound of his name, he'd been rather busy glaring at Dora for being all cryptic again.

"Manadora fully intended to mislead and entrap you, instead chose to betray your trust and leave you with a dangerous spirit who attacked and almost killed you. She used you, and your kindness. Are you angry with her?"

"No." He answers automatically then wrinkles his nose, "Well I mean a little, but I understand why she did it."

She looks at the human boy with wide eyed awe, which Rosco is finding a little uncomfortable.

"You made a risky choice Manadora," Hayden says darkly, Dora's attention snapping back to him, color draining from her face, "You have no idea what you have gambled with," the god warns, advancing a step. "Rosco may be too forgiving for his own good, but I am not. And I will not forget." Nodding, she swallows hard and flees through a doorway without another word.

Rosco takes a deep breath, preparing to speak.

"Rosco," Hayden beats him to it, glancing over at him. Rosco shifts under the gaze, squirming under the influence of the warm fuzzies dancing in his stomach. Hayden said his name the same way he always does. Some fear he didn't realize he'd been harboring, abandons ship, allowing him to breathe just a little deeper. After everything that had happened today, the things he'd learned and seen, Hayden is the same man he was this morning. He can't help but let out a contented sigh, there is just something extremely pleasant about the way the god says his name. His subtle but exceptionally unique accent accentuating the sounds in a way no one else ever had. Exploring the spirit realm had been fun enough, but he'd gotten used to having Hayden and Tansy around, he'd missed them, and even though he'd just heard it, Rosco was already looking forward to hearing his name in Hayden's voice again.

"Do you wish to be helpful?"

Rosco feels his eyes brighten, "Can I?" liking the sound of that just as much.

Taking his hand, Hayden positions Rosco's palm, face up over his own, setting the glowing orb in his hands. The disembodied soul hovered just a tad, throwing its meager gray light over the boy's olive skin.

"Be gentle." Hayden prompts, pulling his hands away.

Rosco glances quickly back and forth between the god and the soul. This was certainly not what he'd had in mind when he'd agreed to help. Frowning at the little soul, "I-" furrowing his brow. In his hands he held the soul of someone who just moments ago had almost killed him, "Do you really think it's a good idea for me to be holding this?"

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