Chapter 48 - The life god's temple

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Start of arc 2

The path to Gia's temple is well cared for, stone markers left over from when her religion was alive and thriving, marking the way. All of them are clean and kept clear of growth as though dedicated acolytes still made the trek from the city to care for them.

Tansy chats excitedly about the last time they visited. It had been the last equinox before Hayden's dramatic exit, when all the available spirits gathered here at the temple to observe the handing off of seasons from one god to the other. Apparently, it's a big event in the spirit world and after the ceremony there was always a huge party. Hayden had passed control to his sister and then left right after, not staying to enjoy the fun, but the party that year had been a ragger from the way Tansy tells it. Hayden translated the important details but mostly just let the wildflower ramble on on their own. Rosco, while not understanding perfectly, was enjoying the high of the memory right along with his friend.

"This is the last mile marker before we will arrive." Hayden informs, pointing out the stone embedded in the path. "Before we arrive however, I should probably warn you about Ash."

Tansy growls at the mention, glowering at the path like they can already see the person in question and is not happy about it.

"Ash?" the boy inquires, surprised by the wildflower's intense response.

Hayden's gaze tilts up and away, choosing his words carefully, "Ash and Ember are the fire spirits, the only fire spirits. You shouldn't have to worry about Ember, but Ash can be-"

Tansy interrupts with some harsh sounding words that has Hayden frowning, "That's unnecessary." The god scolds.

Tansy responds by crossing their arms and throwing the god a 'you know I'm right' look.

"I was going to say they can be difficult." Hayden defends adamantly.

"Should I be worried?" Rosco asks, glancing between the two.

The god shakes his head firmly, "No. I won't allow Ash to hurt you. But," admitting sheepishly, "they will probably try at least once. You see Ash and Ember are the embodiments of fire. Ember is controlled fire: the flames of a cooking stove or a lamp, heat for a home or light in the darkness, fire that can be used. While Ash is fire uncontrolled: unpredictable and wild, hot enough to melt rock, the stuff at the center of planets and the fuel for the sun."

"Melt rock?" Rosco excitement putting a spring in his steps, "That sounds so cool! I didn't know rocks could melt! that's amazing! I can't wait to meet them! do you think he'll show me some melted rocks?"

"Rosco," Hayden's voice soft, "What happens when a controlled fire becomes uncontrollable?"

The boy falters a step, wondering where this is going, "Everything around it gets burned?"

The god nods, "Unrestrained fire is dangerous. Ash is dangerous. For this reason, most of the other spirits do not care for them and end up treating them rather harshly. But Ash is not evil, they serve an important role in the order of things. I am glad you'll keep an opened mind when you meet them, I have a particular fondness for them, just do not forget that Ash is unpredictable and dangerous by nature."

"I'll try?" Rosco promises, unsure what it is Hayden wanted from him. Is he meant to be wary or accepting?

"Though, Ash and Ember are neither male nor female."

"Like Tansy?" Rosco asks brightly.

Tansy scowls and Hayden tries not to chuckle, "Ah no. The wildflowers are all simultaneously male and female while the fire spirits are genderless." The god explains.

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