Chapter 85 - A celebration

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"You flooded the whole valley!?" Flynn shouts, aptly shocked. Tansy seems to think it's hilarious and is turning red with laughter.

"It was an accident!" Rosco tries to stress, already seeing where this is going.

"Damn," Flynn sighs, shaking his head, "I pick the worst time to be taking a nap and miss the most exciting thing to happen around here since ever!" waving his spoon in the air for emphasis.

Rosco ducks just in time to avoid the food flying off Flynn's cooking utensil, "It was an accident Flynn, not a side show."

The other boy tuts, setting his hand on his hip, "Rosco, Rosco, Rosco, an accident is spilling a glass of milk, flooding an entire valley is epic and I can't believe you let me sleep through something like that," pushing out his lip in a very over dramatic pout, "I thought we were friends."

Finally recovering, Tansy shakes their head in matching disapproval.

"Oh not you too," Rosco sighs at the wildflower.

"That's it." Flynn announces resolutely, "I'm watching all your magic lessons from now on, just in case."

"Please, no!" Rosco begs, tugging on his arm, "I can't let you see what a giant disaster I am! Then you really won't want to be friends with me anymore."

Laughing, Flynn pats him on the head, "It's not a secret cutie, you're an adorable mess. Really, it's like disgustingly endearing." Rosco's nose bunches as he tries to determine if he's been mocked or complimented. "See!?" Flynn injects, pinching Rosco's nose to iron it out, "That, right there. So cute it's offensive."

"Are you making fun of me?" Rosco accuses, rubbing his nose after whacking Flynn off.


The boy narrows his eyes at his friend, who is doing his very best to look the picture of innocence, "Would you tell me if you were?"

Flynn laughs again, "Tease relentlessly because your reactions are adorable, yes. Actually, make fun of? No, never." Shrugging his shoulder, "besides, you're like a majorly powerful supernatural oddity, you can totally beat me up." Throwing Rosco a look out the corner of his eye, "I mean just today you drown a whole innocent valley."


"Ah," the other boy sighs blissfully, "I love the sound of my name shouted in outrage."

Completely defeated by Flynn's, whatever the hell makes him like that, Rosco slumps back against one of the prep tables, "What are you making anyway?" He asks, taking a whiff of the air, "it smells amazing."

"It's called palla, or it's supposed to be," Flynn answers, who despite all his antics has been diligently working on their dinner, "It's a dish from Alvian where I was born," lifting the spoon to sample the sauce he's been stirring, "When my brothers and I were in hiding I remember staying at this one house where the lady made this for us. Her sister had been born a witch, so she was sympathetic to our plight and let us stay there a pretty long time. Anyway, it was my birthday and she made this for me to celebrate," his eyes falling closed in memory, "It was the most amazing food I'd ever tasted," flashing a rare, truly genuine smile at Rosco, "I've been trying to figure out the recipe for years and I must say I'm getting pretty damn close," his smile turning smug.

Hopping with excitement, Rosco leans in, "Can I taste it?"

"Absolutely not." Flynn scolds, pushing him back, "This food is special, and you will have to wait for dinner to enjoy it," pointing the spoon at him, "And I will be very offended if you eat three bites and tell me you're full."

Groaning, Rosco throws his hands up in the air, "if you are going to feed me a fancy dinner, why'd you feed me lunch?!"

"Because you need to eat!" Flynn scolds more seriously, "you and Teacher both," he huffs in anger, "acting like eating is some major chore you can just forget about. You especially," eyeing Rosco critically, "I'm a healer remember, no amount of baggy clothes will hide from me just how malnourished you are."

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