Chapter 21 - Die of embarrassment

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After finishing the cider together, they had begun meandering back towards the direction of the inn.

"So, what is our next step?" the boy asks, skipping to match Hayden's larger strides.

Humming thoughtfully, "I am not sure." Hayden replies. Hayden says something else, but Rosco doesn't hear, having had the air knocked out of him by some gruff looking men heading the opposite direction, the vast discrepancy in size between the two parties resulting in Rosco being thrown to the ground. The street is busy, and Rosco is on the small side, so it could have easily been a mistake. Unfortunately, the way they look back at him with mocking grins suggests they barreled into him very much on purpose. Rosco purses his lips but keeps his head down, annoyed, but rather used to being randomly picked on. Tansy, however, is not amused. The wildflower huffs, flying after them, spewing what Rosco can only assume is a line of curses.

"Wait!" Rosco calls, moving to go after Tansy.

Hayden intercepts, catching Rosco's arm and helping him back to his feet. Gently maneuvering the boy around him, "Don't bother," Hayden advises, laying an arm over Rosco's shoulders to keep him close, "Tansy is more than capable of handling themself." Hayden spoke kindly and handled the boy gently, but he looks pissed, his eyes a telling shade of storm gray.

Rosco's eyes lock on the dirt as he's guided along, safely nestled in the nook of the taller man's arms. Heat burns in his cheeks, both excited beyond imagining and shamefully embarrassed for feeling that way. The thudding of his heartbeat is so loud Rosco's sure everyone within a mile must hear him. Rosco's head snaps up, scanning the crowd, suddenly terrified people might be looking and possibly judging Hayden incorrectly for the god's easy familiarity. No one seems to have noticed, and any that do glance their way, move on just as quickly. Rosco breathes a sigh of relief, braving a peek up at Hayden. Rosco half wishes he could stay here forever. It's thrilling and safe and he's just the perfect size to fit comfortably under Hayden's arm and up against his side. He bites his lips to hide his grin, "But," Managing to tear his gaze away so he doesn't get caught, "I don't want to cause any trouble, it was an accident."

Rosco feels Hayden's eyes move down to his face, "Do you really believe that?"

Unwilling to lie, Rosco just doesn't answer, twisting the ring on his thumb.

Rosco sees Hayden nod out of the corner of his eye, "Those men may find themselves oddly inconvenienced for a while, but no real harm will be done. Allow your little friend the right defend you. Wildflowers are small but fiercely protective; without some sort of restitution Tansy is unlikely to let it go."

"It's not worth getting worked up over." The boy shrugs.

"You're being rather mature about this." Hayden hums, "Tansy could learn a thing to two from you." sounding oddly pleased.

The boy's nose wrinkles up, not sure if he's being mocked or complimented. "Anyway," Shaking his head, "Lets just forget about it and figure out what we are going to do next!" Determination coloring his tone.

Sighing, Hayden nod his head in agreement, quiet until his eyes light with a sudden idea, "What do you see?"


"The situation," Hayden elaborates, "let me hear it from your perspective."

"Uh, okay?" Rosco replies hesitantly, furrowing his brow in concentration, "Well, for starters, we have a bunch of missing people, probably with strong connections to the spirit realm."

Hayden nods along with him, urging him to go on,

"And we have an oddly absent mountain spirit, while the other mountain spirts are acting strangely."

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