Chapter 38 - Together again

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"Tansy!" The boy shouts, rushing headfirst into the total darkness. Hayden had brought them back to the endless plains to meet with the wildflowers; and for some undiscernible reason, Rosco instantly recognizes the distant glow of yellow light as his friend. That particular light breaks away from all the others gathered around it and rushes to meet him, bringing with them the light Rosco needs to see them by. Rosco nearly falls over himself as Tansy flies in happy circles around him, "Since when do you glow!?" the boy asks, trying to pick his jaw up from the ground. Tansy stops their celebration to give him a sideways glance.

"Tansy has always glowed; all the spirits do. You just hadn't noticed." Hayden offers in explanation, leisurely catching up.

Rolling his eyes around to the god, "I'm not that air headed, "Rosco glares, "I would have noticed literal glowing." Tansy snorts, landing in Rosco's hair.

"I mis spoke," Hayden sighs with an eye roll of his own, "It's not that you didn't notice, but that you could not see."

Rosco's nose wrinkles, "Couldn't, see?" Lifting the wildflower out of his hair to hold them in his hands. Tansy poses so the boy can properly admire the newfound light coming of the little creature's skin.

"Human eyes are normally closed to such things," Hayden clarifies, "that is the reason you are the only one in town who sees Tansy. Your eyes have never been completely closed, and it seems they are opening further."

"Tansy, why didn't you say anything?! You're beautiful!" Rosco whines playfully, sharing a finger high five with his tiny friend, "Anything else you want to tell me? Do you actually have three heads or something?" he asks, glancing between the wildflower and the god. Tansy puffs up, ego clearly stroked with all this praise, sweet little tinkling voice sounding smug.

"No, I didn't see a need to mention it." Hayden dismisses.

"Mention what?"

"Tansy, we shouldn't keep the others waiting." Hayden instructs, pointedly ignoring Rosco. Tansy pops up, hands on their cheeks, tiny mouth set in an 'o', they chirp something at Hayden then dart back over towards the others.

"Wait!" Rosco calls, whipping back around to glare at Hayden, "mention what?"

"Rosco, please don't shout," Hayden's expression is very serious, but his eyes sparkle with mischief, "many of the wildflowers are still nervous about meeting with me, no need to scare them off."

Rosco is definitely about to shout some more but the movement of the other wildflowers distracts him. Hayden hadn't lied, quite a few of the wildflowers are reluctant to come closer, though some do, softly lighting the purple grass in the wide range of their colors. Having completely forgotten his annoyance, a laugh bubbles up from inside the boy, seeing the field of wildflowers lit up and laid out before him. Tansy and a few others Rosco doesn't know, dart between them, encouraging the more reluctant ones forward. There's no wind in this wired endless place but the air has started to smell of spring and sunbaked grass with so many wildflowers gathered in once place. Rosco turns to Hayden, expecting to be able to look at him while the god watches the wildflowers, but Hayden is already looking at Rosco.

The boy feels the heat rising to his cheeks, "Wh-what are you staring at?" he stammers when Hayden doesn't look away.

"Their light reflects in the dark color of your eyes," Hayden answers simply, "it's pretty." Rosco internally combusts on the compliment while Hayden grins, turning to speak with the wildflowers. Tansy, as the good friend that they are, lands on Rosco's shoulder, giving him some comforting pats as the boy tries to recover.

"Hello everyone." Hayden greets softly, "It is good to see you all after, though I am sorry it is for reasons such as this. I will lift the curse at once, but it will take time for your power to properly recover. You are of course welcome to come with us to the human world now, but you will still be unable to return until your strength is restored." Tansy adds something from Rosco's shoulder. Not all the wildflowers look convinced, and a few argue back, which Tansy answers. It takes a bit of deliberating before a consensus is reached, but eventually the wildflowers all come to an agreement, turning to Hayden expectantly.

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