Chapter 31 - Misleading

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Soft notes of the ever-present song echo in Rosco's head. He's doing his best not to listen, but his mind is eager to decipher the pattern of the notes. Everything about this place calls to him, like his soul resonates with the air here. He almost thinks the twinkling lights in the river match the rhythm of the song, but it's impossible to tell without giving himself over to the melody. Either way it's beautiful, so he just watches, mesmerized by the flow of the water.

"it's time to leave this place." Manadora orders. There's an unmistakable hint of worry in the mountain spirit's voice, "it's not good for you to linger here."

"But," the boy mutters, chewing his lips, "It's so pretty." Her suggestion they leave further fulling his desire to touch the water. He's absolutely fixated on the idea it will be pleasantly warm.

"Rosco," tugging his hand more insistently, "it is time for us to go."

"But," drifting forward, "I want-"

Manadora grabs his face, forcing him to look at her, shocking him out of his trance. Rosco blinks, little frown lines between his eyes, "I'm sorry Dora, did you say something?" he asks, shaking his head slightly.

"You're getting lost in the lullaby; we should go elsewhere." Turning to pull him along behind her, "Wait," she stills, hand outstretched to summon a doorknob, peaking back at him over her shoulder, "Did you just call me Dora?"

The boy freezes, "Uh," eyes flicking up, "I think I did?" frowning at himself, "Sorry, it just kinda slipped out. If you don't like it, I won't do it again." He promises earnestly. She may be his kidnapper, but she's been really nice and he really hates upsetting people, especially nice ones.

The mountain spirit shrugs her slender shoulders, letting a curtain of her hair fall to cover her face from view, "I don't mind." She mumbles softly, pulling open a door. He lets her lead them though and she immediately opens another door, and another and then one more for good measure. Every place they pass through looks much the same to Rosco. Darkness all around them, purple grass under their feet. The paper lantern Dora had summoned for him floats over his shoulder dutifully. It's the only light he's seen here; all other illumination comes from the spirits themselves. The city had been a kaleidoscope of light and color, the inhabitants filling their homes with the light they live by. Rosco isn't bothered by the lack of scenery, content to watch her back as he follows her, admiring her innate glow.

"Rosco?" Manadora says, posing his name as a question.


"I wonder if you realize you're still holding my hand?"

"Oh I-" going silent. His face falls suddenly, dropping her hand as if it burned him, "I am so sorry!" he rushes, stumbling back a few nervous steps, hands in the air, "I just did it on instinct while we were in the city so we wouldn't get separated and then, I guess, I forgot?" gnawing on his lips, "I swear I'm not trying anything funny. I normally can't even talk to girls much less touch them," he insists, "I guess I just forgot you're a girl," eyes going as wide as saucers, "Oh gods, I didn't mean it like that!" hands knotting in his hair, "I meant girls make me nervous! I don't know how to act around them, but I'm not really nervous around you, so it just slipped my mind," furrowing his brow, "not because you're not, like girly or something, I mean you're really pretty, probably the prettiest girl I've ever seen, very touchable," going pale again, "But I didn't mean to! And it won't happen again! See!" Stuffing his hands way down in the deep recesses of his pockets, "Hands are going away." The exaggerated motion pressing his arm against the bundle stowed away in his coat pocket, "Oh!" Demeanor brightening right back up, "I have a lunch!" the boy announces, producing the bundle for her to see, "Mr. Rosewood gave it to me before we left! His cooking is amazing!" settling in cross-legged on the soft purple grass, "We can share!" unwrapping the bundle of goodies.

Their eyes meet, for half a second they look at each other in silence before Dora bursts into laughter, folding over on herself, holding her stomach. Rosco's eyes widen in confusion as she falls to the grass beside him, rolling onto her back with a sigh.

"W-what did I say?" the boy asks bewildered, glancing between the food and the spirit, trying to find the cause of the outburst. Internally marveling at his ability to spend most of his time talking, and yet still not be able to navigate the currents of a conversation.

"I think I understand now." Dora announces with conviction.

Rosco's frown increases, "What?"

Reaching up, the tips of her fingers brush softly against his cheek. Her thumb trails the line of his lips. Rosco is too stunned and confused to do anything other than watch her as she rises, drawing closer, her face inches from his own. Rosco's breath catches at the contact. He's fully expecting to feel uncomfortable by her closeness, bothered by her touch, so he is very surprised to find he doesn't seem to mind at all. It reminds him of Tansy, and the way their physical intrusiveness has never grated on him the way others do. Dora's expression is confusing, a heart wrenching mix of warm and tormented. He'd caught her flashing him tortured looks the entire time they'd been together, but the deep genuine warmth is new, and he has no idea what to make of it.

"I have come to care for you," Dora tells him softly, cupping his cheeks with her hands, "And that makes things very complicated." She sighs, rocking back, letting her hands fall to her lap. "I thought you promised not to be difficult?"

"I didn't mean to be?" Brow scrunching in confusion, "What's complicated?" He presses. She looks so troubled. He wants to help, but everything she said has only made him more confused.

"Everything, and nothing," she muses, shaking the thoughts from her head, "Nothing for you to worry over yet," plastering a fake smile on her lips, "You should eat," gesturing to his forgotten snacks, "after that, I have somewhere else I'd like to take you."

"Okay," he agrees slowly, having the distinct feeling if he keeps pressing for answers, his brain will melt under the strain of her cryptic replies. His eyes fall to the two pastries in his lap. It looks like one has a meat and vegetable filling while the other has baked apples, "But I can't eat all this by myself," looking back to his captor, "you want to share it with me?"

"It isn't necessary." She reminds him with a giggle.

"I know," breaking each of the pastries in half, "But I have more than enough, and Mr. Rosewood's cooking is more for enjoying than for the necessity of eating anyway." Holding out his offering to her.

She grins, chuckling softly, "Your behavior is rather misleading."

Rosco can't help but frown hearing her spout another riddle, "What did I do now?"

Her smile grows, "Giving offerings to another while your god is away," Shaking her head, "Hayden will be so jealous." Tapping her chin with her delicate fingers, "Now I must decide if I want to brave the danger of his wrath to enjoy those few moments of stollen affection."

"Wh- He- uh- I-" the boy stutters uselessly, face turning a dangerous shade of red, "He will not!" his defense would sound flimsy even if he'd managed to deliver it with any sort of conviction. Puffing up his cheeks, "Do you want it or not?" he half pouts half demands.

"I want it!" Quickly snatching the gift from his hands, "But," Pausing before taking her first bite, "It would be best for my health if you don't tell Hayden."

"You're making me nervous," Rosco grumbles, "Should I not have given it to you?"

Stuffing a bite in her mouth, "I'm afraid the time for doubts has passed." Doing her best to speak with dignity while chewing. "If Hayden shows up at my doorstep in a vengeful rage, I'll know who to curse with my dying breath."

"Please tell me you're joking." Rosco pleads, too nervous to eat now.

Manadora only giggles in response, reaching over to take her half of the savory pastry as well.

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