Chapter 51 - Advocate

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I watch as Ash wraps Rosco in a tight hug, pressing their nose into his neck. My impatience doubling with every passing second. I know very well that Rosco has an exceptionally pleasant scent, like sunshine and fresh hay, but why does Ash feel the need to linger there, breathing him in. I may be staring a little too harshly because Rosco feels my gaze, his beautifully dark eyes meeting mine, wide and pleading. It appears Ash's insatiable hunger for affection is beginning to make him a little uncomfortable. Despite Ash's best efforts, Rosco doesn't hate them. It took Ash some getting used to, but the fire spirit warmed to Rosco quickly once they accepted the fact Rosco had accepted them. Rosco still isn't quite sure what to make of the fire spirit, since Ash's harsh attitude doesn't match with the newly affectionate behavior. But as expected Rosco is kind and attentive and only puts up with about half of Ash's crap before he snaps and tells them off. Ash's face after receiving one of Rosco's heated rants was simply priceless. Somehow being scolded only made the fire spirit more clingy and since then they've snuggled up to the boy every chance they got. The conniving little spirit had even found a way to convince Rosco, my Rosco, who nearly panicked the first time I suggested we sleep side by side, to allow them to spend the night snuggled into him. Much to the dismay of Tansy who didn't sleep a wink in order to spend the entire night glaring at Ash. I haven't laughed this much in literal ages.

I'm about to separate them when Ash finally releases Rosco. Still trying to play tough and indifferent, Ash retreats quickly, hiding in my shoulder. My arms automatically rise to wrap around their waist, drawing them close. My poor touch starved fire spirit, they don't want us to leave but are too proud to admit it. The tension in Ash is slow to ease, but eventually they are able to relax against me. A small portion of their lost trust finding its way back into their heart.

I am guilty of a terrible crime, of allowing their loneliness to fester. My actions setting off the chain of events that have left Ash trapped here alone for over a hundred years. It's very little time, in the larger view of Ash's life, Ash being one of the first spirits to populate this domain, but it is far too long for anyone to face unnecessary isolation, especially Ash, who so strongly craves company. I vow silently, to no one but myself, that I will never allow it to happen again.

Ash sighs contentedly, nosing against my shoulder, "I wouldn't hate it." mumbling into my clothes, "If you brought him back sometime."

My eyes lift to Rosco, watching just a short distance away, torn between my desire to keep him for myself and to shower everything I love with the light he brings to me.

I'm admittedly surprised at how greedy I can be. I used to think myself rather passive, my sister the one always chasing after things while I was content and patient. But in retrospect, it seems it was not that I was content, but more that I had stopped seeking the things I desired, out of fear they would always be just out of reach. Rosco has reawakened the sensation of craving in me, just a few weeks of his short life already leaving ripples that will last for eternity. Yet he is still convinced he is useless. The thought forcing a pulse of irritation through my being. I best get away from Ash before they pick up on it and convince me we need to burn something.

"I would like that also." I reply to Ash's poorly worded request I bring Rosco to play with them again, my voice laden with affection for them both, "But we should go, time is one of the few things I have no power over."

Tansy sticks their tongue out at Ash in leu of saying goodbye and we set off. I honestly have no idea where we are going aside from south. 'Outside the capital of southern kingdom' Ash had said, like I had been here over the last hundred sixty four years to witness the rise and fall of the human kings. Nothing looks the way I left it, and the energy around here is in such disarray it's giving me headaches. I've been working tirelessly to shift things back into balance, a little here a little there, careful not to move anything too quickly least it totally unravel the mass of knots that is meant to be my smoothly running domain. Some systems are so twisted and broken, my sister and I will have to rip them out and build them again from scratch, carefully holding up everything they touch while we make the needed repairs. Just the thought of it all, making me weary.

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