More than you'll ever know - SJ

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Background: Y/n and Scarlett are best friends and have been since iron man 2 days. Scarletts been acting weird and y/n doesn't know why.

Also I love Colin which is why I didn't say his name so it could be anyone. I know its set during black widow filming and would make sense that it's Colin but I just thought of it as a random guy.

TW: Abuse

Y/n Pov

I am currently in London filming 'Black Widow'. I play the character of Natasha and Yelena's sister who - just like Yelena - was chemically subjugated.

Me and Scarlett are very close friends and have been for years now. I'm also lucky enough to be Rose' Godmother. I also have known Florence for years. I am from London so whenever I'm in town visiting family we always meet up with each other. I love working on 'Black Widow' since two of my closest friends who I would call sisters, are playing my sisters in the movie.

I've just arrived on set to see Florence talking to Rachael. I make my way over to them.

"Hello ladies" I say wrapping an arm round Flos shoulder.

"Hey you" Florence says wrapping her arms round my waist to give me a hug.

"Hi y/n" Rachael says.

"Has Scar arrived yet?" I ask.

"Yeah I think she's in her trailer" Flo replies letting me go.

"Okay I'm gonna go see her" I say making my way to her trailer.

I arrive at her trailer and gently knock on her door.

"Ello?" I say in the most English accent I could.

"Come in" I hear her say behind the door.

I go in and see her quickly wipe her cheek.

"Hey, you okay?" I ask placing my bag down on the counter.

"yeah why wouldn't in be?" She asks pulling me into quick hug almost pulling away instantly.

I furrowed my eyebrows but quickly hid it and turned around to sit on the couch.

"So how's my little Rosebud" I ask patting the couch beside me.

"She um... yeah she's uh, yeah she's good...she misses you" She said sitting down facing me.

Her answer of how rose was doing made me feel uneasy.

"Aw, well I could come over tonight of your not busy" I ask hoping she'd say yes cause I'm slightly worried.

"Oh uh, y'know tonights probably not the best we're uh going out to dinner" She said fidgeting with her hands.

"Oh okay, where are you guys going" I ask noticing her hands fidgeting, I place my hand on top of hers.

I do that every time I see her get anxious.

"We don't know yet, think we're gonna choose later on" She said clasping her hand with mine for a split second before pulling away.

"Uh well I should probably go to hair and makeup" She makes her way to the door barely giving me anytime to reply.

"Oh oka-" Before I finish she's gone and the door slams behind her.

That was weird, but I'll leave her be just now and maybe she'll come round and tell me what's up. She may be a great actress but I know when Scarletts lying no matter how good she is.

I wasn't due on set till noon so I had a few hours to kill, so I just made my way back to my trailer and and slept for and hour or so.

Once I woke up it was 10:38 so I just started making my way to hair and makeup.

Scarlett Johansson/Natasha Romanoff One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now