A Good First Impression - SJ (Part 2)

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Background: It's been 4 months since Y/N first met Rose and now Y/N is doing her first interview for her new movie.

Y/N Pov

I was just about to do my first interview for my new movie. I'm not gonna lie I'm quite nervous. Scarlett and I announced our relationship last month with a simple photo on my instagram, we didn't want to make it a massive deal. I knew I'd get asked about her and I didn't mind that but that day we went to the park there was in fact paparazzi that none of us saw, meaning there are photos of me and Rose while I carry her back to the car. You can't see Rose' face but that's not the point, they shouldn't be taking photos of children and I just hope Ellen doesn't put them up. Here goes nothing.

"Please welcome the extremely talented Y/N Y/L/N!" Ellen introduces me to the audience.

I walk out and wave to everyone before giving Ellen and quick hug and sitting down.

"Wow you haven't been here in forever" Ellen exclaims.

"I know it's great to be back" I say.

"Well, your new movie looks amazing but we'll get to that" The audience laugh.

I chuckle since I have an idea where she's going with this.

"So Y/N..."

"Yessss?" I ask extending the s.

"I wanna ask about some photos that were took a few months ago" She continues.

Shit. I just nod slowly knowing what was to come.

"Wait before you continue, I know for a fact that you have the photos that your talking about and  and I also know that her mother would greatly appreciate it if you didn't show them because I'm sure the audience could go and find them from what you're gonna ask me after the show if they really want too. And look you can say who's in them I don't care about that just don't show the photos" I say making sure she knows how I feel about it before she makes her decision whether to show them or not.

Ellen look sat me looking slightly shocked that I stopped her from showing them but she eventually nods before continuing.

"So the photos I wanna talk about are extremely adorable I gotta say" She says.

"I agree" I nod.

"So was this the first time you had met Rose?" 

"It was and it was one of the best days I've had" I answer honestly.

"A month ago you announced your relationship with Scarlett Johansson through your instagram" She puts the photo up behind us and the audience awed.

It was a photo of Scarlett laying on my chest with her face in the crook of my neck with her hand on the other side of my neck, she's smiling while side eyeing the camera. It was my favourite photo of us but I of course asked Scarlett if I could use it for the announcement.

"I mean that's adorable, look at yous two" Ellen says looking at the photo.

I look behind me and smile at the photo before turning back to look at Ellen.

"Yeah I'm very happy she's the best" I say struggling to wipe the smile off my face.

"Well the photos of young Rose were took 4 months ago and obviously the was your first time meeting her does that mean you had been dating for a while before that?" 

"Well we were together obviously before I met Rose but whenever it comes to Rose it's all down to Scarlett so when the time was right and she was ready for me to meet here we did it" 

"Why didn't you announce your relationship sooner" She digs for more information on our relationship.

"Well we love the time we spend together and we didn't want that to be ruined with fake news or stuff like that so early on in our relationship. Then I met Rose and we wanted Rose to be comfortable with me and get to know me and vice versa so now that we are comfortable with everything we decided to post that very cute picture" I explain.

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