Scent - SJ

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Background : Scar and Y/N have been dating for a good few months and one of the many things Scarlett loves about Y/N is her scent.

TW: Loved one with a bad illness. 

Y/N British btw.

Scarletts Pov

Me and Y/N have been invited over to Chris E's house which either means games night,  movie night or both. I was currently in the shower while Y/N is getting ready in our bedroom since she took one earlier. Without me. Rude. I've started using Y/N shampoo since I can't get enough of her scent. It comforts me and makes me feel safe.

I finish up pretty quickly for having to wash my hair I usually take a while. I head back to our bedroom in my towel and walk in just as Y/N sprays her perfume. Perfect. I really wanna go over and hug her but I'm still damp from the shower.

"How do you still look good in only a bodysuit and joggers?" I ask starting to towel dry my hair.

"How do you look good in a towel?" She ask back.

"I look better without it" I say looking at her through the mirror.

I've never seen her turn around so fast in my life.

"Well can I see what's under?" She asks making her way over to me.

"Hm, I'm pretty sure you've seen it before" I tease.

"Your point Is....?" She says wrapping her arms around my waist.

"My point is we have somewhere to be" I say turning around in her arms.

"It's only Chris" She says moving her face closer causing me to smell her perfume, drawing me in even more.

"And everyone else that's coming" I say resting my forehead against hers.

"Who else is coming?" She whispers.

"Lizzie, Chris H, Seb, Anthony, Robert, Brie" I whisper back.

"Well they can wait too" She says making me laugh and give her a kiss before turning back around to dry my hair.

"Later" I say and see her eyes light up.

She gives me a few kisses on my cheek before heading downstairs to wait for me.

I didn't take too long since I just dried my hair and didn't really do anything special and I also didn't bother putting any makeup on since we weren't doing anything that's needed it. I wore one of Y/N hoodies since it smelt like her and a pair of legging to go with it.

I head downstairs and saw Y/N checking her phone on the couch. I went behind her and draped my arms over her shoulder and she looks up.

"Hello" She says in her British accent. Another one of the many things I love about her.

I just smile and kiss her. Even in this position she deepens it and licks my bottom lip asking for access. I deny and hear her groan. I pull away and just look down at her.

"You're a tease miss Johansson" She says getting up to come round to me.

"I did say later" I say grabbing her hand and making our way outside.

"Do we have everything?" She asks before locking the door.

"I mean what do we need? Phone, got it. You, got you. I think that's it" I say.

"True, we are only going to Chris'" She says locking the door.

"Exactly" I say making my way over to the car.

I slide into the passenger side as I know Y/N loves to drive. She gets in and connects her phone to the car playing our playlist. She keeps hold of my hand that placed on my lap the whole way there.

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