On Set Naps - SJ

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Background: Y/N and Scarlett aren't together anymore but still love each other very much and don't bother to hide it. Scarlett's in a new relationship and Y/N has her suspicions about him.

Rose isn't in this.

Scarlett Pov

It's no secret that me and my ex Y/N still love each other. But that's been difficult ever since we got casted in the same movie and I now have a boyfriend. Me and Y/N never cut contact, in fact we talk nearly every day even before we got the same movie. She knows about Colin and of course she's not gonna be over the moon, she's happy for me but it's not the best news to hear and I understand that, I would be the same if she ever got someone new actually I might've been worse.  I remember the say we broke up so vividly because it truly was the worst day of my life even though it was a mutual decision.

I had been thinking for a while that we should go on a break just until our schedules calm down and we can actually spend time together. We could only see each other at lunch for maybe an hour, a relationship cannot survive like that. So we both agreed that we should take a break, focus on work and get back to where we were when we first got together. We met ironically on set but Y/N was like the person that runs around after everyone, she wasn't an actor at this point. But she caught my eye that's for sure. I would stop her to talk any chance I could and we got to know each other pretty well, we exchanged numbers and the rest is history, we were together for 3 years before the break. Both of us just kept getting jobs and it wasn't getting any easier so we decided to just end it. It was hard. very hard but we couldn't wait for each other we had needs that couldn't be fulfilled by each other and neither of us would get with anyone while we were on a break so it ended.

I won't lie and say I don't miss her because I found someone new. I miss her so much, even though now we see each other everyday. Seeing her everyday made me realise that nothings really changed between us, we act the same- well not exactly the same but you know what I mean. And don't get me wrong I love Colin too but it'll never beat the love I have with Y/N. Me and Colin have been dating for around 4 months now and it's...good. We got together 8 months after me and Y/n ended it so we've officially been broken up for a year.

When I told Colin that we had been booked for the same job, I'm not gonna sugar coat it, he wasn't happy. He doesn't know we still have feelings but I'm sure that doesn't matter, no one would want there girlfriend working everyday all day with their ex.

I'm currently heading to set and I'm really tired today, Colin came in late last night I didn't bother questioning him but he wasn't quiet and kept me up. I tried sleeping in the car but I couldn't I'm not comfortable enough. 

When I arrive at set I head straight for my trailer and drop my bags off. 

It's gonna be a long day.

Y/N Pov

I have to come to set early everyday since I have way too many tattoo to cover up with body paint and it takes a while. I've been here for just over an hour and I'm finally finished getting my tattoos covered. I look at the time and see that Scarlett should be here by now. I decide to go and see if she's in her trailer.

I knock and wait for her to answer. When she answers she looks tired, I know it's early but she always usually gets a good amount of sleep. She sends me a smile before opening the door and letting me in.

"Good morning" I say sitting on the couch.

"Morning" She says sounding quieter than usual.

"What's wrong?" I ask patting the sofa beside me.

"Tired" She says flopping onto the couch and leaning her head back.

"You're never tired" I say looking at her side profile.

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