On The Run - NR

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Background- After Nat speaks with Tony she knows she has to leave after helping Steve and Bucky escape, she tells Y/N not to come knowing it'll put her in danger but Y/N being Y/n won't take no for an answer.

Nat Pov

We came back from the airbase and I knew I had to leave, I didn't want to tell my girlfriend but I knew that would destroy her so I have to tell her knowing she'll want to come but she can't it's too dangerous. But first I went to check and see if Rhodeys okay since Vision hit him pretty bad. I walk into the room and see Tony who turns and glares at me. I'm not mad about what I done everyone was wrong in this and I was not letting Steve or Bucky get put away for being just as wrong as Tony was.

"Come with me" He says angrily, walking past me.

I follow him to one of the balconies and he just stares in-front of him.

"The doctors say he shattered L4 through S1, extreme laceration to spinal cord, probably looking at some form of paralysis" He says talking about Rhodey but he also sounds defeated.

"Steves not gonna stop, if you don't either Rhodeys gonna be the best case scenario" I say honestly knowing what could happen.

"You let them go Nat" He says coldly.

"We played this wrong" I say and he just scoffs.

"Boy it must be hard to shake the whole double agent thing huh? sticks in the DNA" He says knowing it was gonna hurt.

I tilt my head never thinking he would say that to me.

"Are you incapable of letting go of your ego for one goddamn second?" I ask.

He looks around not saying anything.

"T'challa told Ross what you did, they're coming for you" He says.

"I'm not the one who needs to watch they're back" I say before turning and heading to find Y/N.

Y/N Pov

I'm sitting In the kitchen on the kitchen counter listening to my music decompressing after what just happened. Never thought my family would fight over something they could've easily talked about but here we are. I haven't seen nat since we got back but I know she helped Steve and Bucky and she would more than likely have to leave and I'm going with her. I don't care what she does to keep me here I am going.

Speaking of the devil she comes walking in and comes to stand in front of me. She smiles at me and takes my earphones out.

"Hey you" She says quietly.

"Hey" I say just as quietly.

"Can you come with me for a minute" She nods towards the hall that leads to our room.

I just nod knowing what's she's planning. I go to jump off the counter but she grabs me instead and carries me like and koala. I stuff my face in her neck incase I don't win this argument and she really insists that I stay here. She walks us to the room and locks the door behind us. She sits down on the bed and head me tight.

"This is har-" She goes to speak but I stop her.

"I'm coming with you" I say into her neck.

She sighs and pulls my head out from her neck and cups my cheeks

"You can't, it's too dangerous and you know that" She says and I see tears starting to form in her eyes.

"I do and you also know I don't care" I say feeling them form in my eyes too.

'Don't, please don't. This is already hard enough and I don't want to leave here after having a disagreement with you" She says to breaking eye contact.

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