Secrets - SJ

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Backstory: Y/N and Scarlett have been together for just over a month and Y/N has yet to tell Scarlett something big.

Tw: Loss

Y/N Pov

*Incoming call*

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing on the bedside table. I try and reach it without disturbing a sleeping Scarlett who is lying on my chest. I reach it and see that my mom was calling me.

"Shit" I curse under my breath having an idea of why she's calling.

I shuffle the best I can from underneath Scarlett without waking her before quickly making my way down to her kitchen. I answer the phone and hear crying in the background.

"Mom is everything okay?" I ask confused.

"Y/N I know you're spending the night at Scarletts and I hate to interrupt that but max is not going to sleep and is only asking for you" She explains sounding stressed.

My mom knows about Scarlett she hasn't met her yet but honestly I'd rather Scarlett meet my son before anyone else and I don't know when that'll be considering she doesn't even know he exists.

"Okay um well mom it's 2 in the morning long has he been crying? This hasn't happened before" I say running my hand through my hair really not wanting to leave Scarlett but also my son needs me just now.

"Uh he's been crying for well over an hour" That did it for me, I have to go. "He's asking where you are and just wants you" She sighs.

"Alright I'll come home, can you put him on the phone?" I ask hoping to calm him down for the time being.

I hear my mom talking to him trying to get him to listen, he quietens down a little and comes onto the phone.

"Mommy?" He says still whimpering.

"Hi baby boy, what's wrong?" I ask him softly.

"I wan you" He starts sobbing again.

"Okay baby, listen to me, listen to me, I'm coming home okay? You can sleep in mommys bed tonight, how does that sound?" I ask hoping he settles until I'm home.

"Where awe you?" He asks sniffling.

"I'm at my friends baby but I'll come home" I say and he goes quiet.

"Max? You okay buddy?" I ask.

"Yeah, pwease come ome mommy" He pleads.

My heartbreaks at his little voice wanting me. I've stayed at Scarletts a few times over the last few weeks but only when it's my moms night to have her time with Max and he's never done this before. I also don't know what I'm gonna tell Scarlett since she doesn't know I have a son.

"I am baby don't worry I'll be 30 minutes" I say hearing him calm down even more.

"Thank you Y/N, I'm sorry I have to pull you away from Scarlett" My mom says sincerely.

"Don't worry about it, I'll always come home for him" I say getting up and making my way back upstairs.

"Alright well I'll see you soon" She says before hanging up.

This isn't gonna be easy to lie to Scarlett, I mean I've never lied to her before, she's never directly asked me if I had children.

I walk back into the room to see Scarlett in the same position Ieft her. I slip on the joggers and t-shirt I had on earlier before....anyway. After that I walk over to sit on the side of the bed I was on and lean down so I'm face to face with her. I smile at her peaceful state. I bring my hand up to cup her cheek and run my thumb over her cheek bone. She really is beautiful even when she's asleep. I kiss her forehead, nose and then her cheek and finally her eyes flutter open. She furrows her eyebrows straight away when she sees I have my clothes from yesterday on.

Scarlett Johansson/Natasha Romanoff One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now