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As I hesitantly push the door open I see Ms. Romanoff looking out the window with her back facing me. Her wavy red locks cascading just past her shoulders and her posture ever so perfect.

As the door clicks shut as if on cue she turns around to face me. I'm met with her gorgeous forest green eyes and a minor smirk plastered on her face as she subtly gives me a one over from the ground up. I can already feel my cheeks heating up by having her gaze on me.

"Take a seat." She points to the chair beside me. As I quietly sit down she does the same, sitting in the seat across from me.

"So if I'm correct Ms brown, I hear you've requested an interview with me for the Weekly Times?" She questions

"Yes that's true, except I'm not Ms. Brown. My names Y/n Steele actually, I'm filling in for her today." I tell her

"We'll then Ms. Steele, ask away." She states, giving me the go ahead to start the interview.

As I go to grab my pencil to jot down her answers, it slips out of my hand and onto the floor snapping in half. Great

I clear my throat as the embarrassment over takes me "do you have another pencil I could borrow." I kindly ask

Reluctantly she nods her head, reaching behind her to grab a freshly sharpened pencil from her desk. Our fingers gently brush against each other as she hands it to me. The pencil has her companies name encrypted on the side of it. Fancy

"So, what made you want to take a career in business." I ask her starting with the question on the top of Anna's list.

And on it went from there, me asking a question and Ms Romanoff giving very straight to the point answers.

About 20 mins have past and as I look down at my notebook I notice I've only gotten a few sentences written down. Mind you the questions Anna gave me all suck.

"Are you into woman" I passively ask, only now once the words leave my mouth do I realize what I just asked her. As I shoot my head up to meet her gaze she clears her throat and looks to the side. "Sorry, Anna wrote it down in her notes. You don't have to answer that." I start to ramble trying to get my point across before she throws me out of this meeting. Why did Anna have to put that.

She cuts me off "forget the questions written Ms Steele, what would you ask me given the chance." Well shit, why is she going off script, this was supposed to be easy.

"Um, I'm not sure what you mean exactly, the questions written..." she cuts me off

"Are you not a reporter? I mean surely you would have questions your self your curious about." Shit shit shit

"No actually I'm not." I state bluntly.

This seems to have gotten her attention, considering this is the most interested she's been in our conversation since we've started.

She stays silent, assuming I'd add on to my statement. "I'm actually Anna's good friend, she didn't have anyone else to take over so I was her best option on such short notice." I say

"I figured that." She states as if it was obvious.

I look up at her with a puzzled look on my face. Where is she going with this?

" You don't have the same characteristics as a reporter would. Your quiet, reserved, your anxious, I mean your constantly chewing on that damn pencil I gave you. So it was obvious you didn't belong here right off the bat." She states.

I just stare up at her chewing on my bottom lip trying to take in all that she just said. Her eyes are directed at my lip between my teeth, her eyes seem to have a different look to them suddenly. "Don't do that." She says catching me off guard.

"What" I question. "Biting your lip, it's a bad habit." She responds back

"What do you do for a living Ms Steele." She asks changing the topic.

"I just graduated as a student in literature." I tell her.

"And what do you plan on doing with the rest of your life now that your graduated." She questions back

"I don't-

As I'm about to respond back we're interrupted with a knock at the door. A young women with auburn hair pops her head in notifying us that my interview time is up. "Thank you Wanda." Ms Romanoff responds back to her, before she exits leaving us in silence again.

Ms. Romanoff stands up, telling me it's my que to leave.

As I start to walk out the door she tells me she'll walk me out.

"I hope our interview was time well spent." She says as I follow her to the elevators.

"I only got like halfway through my list." I huff out. I just want to leave

I walk into the elevator, as I turn around to face her again the doors start to slowly close.

"Ms. Steele" she bids her goodbye

As I do the same "thank you Ms Romanoff." Even though I barely got anything done in that interview.

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