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"Natasha" I watch as Y/n comes into view with a cheeky smile grazing her features. Although she didn't smile too often I couldn't help but admire how rosy her cheeks would get or how her smile always reached her eyes showing it was genuine. Damn it Natasha stop it.

"Guess what" I took a seat on the couch as she stood above me with a content look on her face.

"What" I gaze up at her watching as she pulled out her phone and started scrolling through something.

"I win" she holds up a picture of her and....that Chloe girl?

"I just slept with her about an hour ago and unless you somehow beat me to it, that means I win." She looked at me proud and accomplished.

"I guess you win" I shrug not even caring about the game anymore.

Y/n Pov:
"Your not fazed?" I was a little confused at Natasha's odd behavior.

"Nope you won fair and square." She stays sat looking up at me with a calm facade.

"Is something wrong with you, are you feeling okay?" I felt her forehead not understanding why she didn't look more defeated.

"Y/n I'm fine" she chuckled standing up and taking off her coat. "I'm gonna get a shower I'll be out in a bit." And with that she left me standing there with a million thoughts racing through my head.

Natasha was the one who had the idea of what the winner got out of this and yet she looked as if she had barely even tried to beat me at the game. I didn't understand why she wasn't more annoyed by the fact that I would get to take control over her. Something I knew she never let anyone do.

I sat on my bed trying to analyze our conversation until I heard her walk out of the bathroom. Her hair was a little damp but it still sat nicely framing her face and she smelt of cherry and vanilla which I couldn't help but breath in. She was wearing a tank top and pajama shorts as she crawled into the other bed.

We sat there in silence before I asked her a question.

"Sooo Natasha?"

"Hmm?" She hummed looking over at me who was anxiously picking at the white sheets that laced the bed.

"Um when did you, you know, when did you want me to...." I didn't know how to say it to her. I mean she was still my boss, my very intimidating boss who had lost a bet allowing me to have free will over her.

"When do you get to fuck me?" She asked bluntly which I subtly nodded to. "Whenever you want, I'll be ready" she turned off the light getting ready for sleep.

I sat in silence weighing my options. "What if I wanted to do it right now...."

She hummed "then I'd be ready."

I felt frozen like I couldn't move in that moment. "Why does this feel so wrong?" I whispered out to her which caused a sigh to escape her lips as she switched back on the light.

"It feels forced doesn't it" she spoke my thoughts as I agreed.

"Come here" she motioned over to her bed moving over so that I could sit. "It's your choice Y/n, you won and you can do what you will with that. If you want to sleep with me you can or you can ignore the whole game and we go back to being coworkers."

"Like you mean professional no friends or anything?"

"Exactly" she agreed.

I knew that she was giving me a chance to feel something for her again in this moment and that if I didn't take this invitation now I probably wouldn't ever get it again. As much as I felt wrong knowing that I was going to sleep with her because of a game, I also couldn't help the small urge I felt for her every time I glanced into those green eyes, or looked at her soft plump lips.

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