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"How's Anna doing?" Romanoff was the one to start conversation this time as we sat eating lunch in her office.

"What?" I looked over with a mouthful of food not expecting her to be the first to talk especially about my personal life. I cleared my throat "Oh um she's good, I don't really see her that often anymore she's been busy trying to write her blog that she's working on but I guess we're still close."

"That's good"

We went back to eating in silence, I think a part of us were both scared that if we started talking we may over step our boundaries of the boss and assistant relationship we were working on.

"You know it's funny, I can't help but think that if you hadn't stepped into Anna's position that day I would never of met you."

"I bet you wish that were the case." I laugh a little knowing I could be a pain in the ass sometimes.

"Definitely not" she quickly chimed in "I mean I'm sure your friend is great but your actually one of the best assistants I've had so far." Okay I definitely wasn't expecting that.

"We'll I'll be sure to put that on my resume the next time I hand in a job application."

She quickly put her food down looking at me with concern written on her face. "Your planning on quitting?"

"No relax it was a joke" I chuckle at how seriously she takes things. "I'm pretty sure this job is the best paying job I'll probably ever get, so unless you fire me I'm sticking around."

"Good, I like your company."

I'm not sure what's gotten into her today but she a lot more friendly than usual, I think she's finally come to terms with whatever's been stressing her out, which in all honesty is better for everyone at the office. I mean sure she's nice to me most of the time but she can be a real bitch when she's in a bad mood and if she's in a bad mood then the whole company goes nuts.

"I have a business trip I have to attend for a weekend in Paris, since your my assistant I expect you to come along with me. I just thought I'd give you a head ups this time so that you can actually pack."

"Thanks I appreciate it" I say sarcastically knowing last trip I had to buy all my clothes because she hadn't given me any notice. You would think that as her assistant I would have her business schedule but sadly I don't and so I'm never in the loop.

"You should head home and pack we leave tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" I look at her a little shocked. "Natasha that's not much of a heads up."

"You have a few hours I'm sure you'll be able to put together a bag. I'll be at your house at 8"

"Stupid suitcase" I grumble to myself as I attempt to drag the damn thing down three flights of stairs in my apartment. Usually we have an elevator but of course with my luck it's out of service.

"Your late" I slide in on the other side of Romanoff as the driver takes us to her private jet.

"By five minutes stop your whining." I huff out. I hadn't gotten much sleep last night as I was up trying to pack. I also wasn't much of a morning person and so I was exhausted.

"Don't be so sour, you can sleep on the flight." Natasha informs me noticing my closed off behavior today.

"When was the last time you got laid?" I was sitting across from her on the plane as we were the only two on it besides the pilots.

"Natasha!" I scold her at the personal question.

"What?!" She asks light heartedly. "As you boss it's important for me to check in on you sometimes and I've noticed you've been uptight recently. So I'm gonna ask you again is this some sort of sexual frustration because you can't get laid?"

I roll my eyes at where this conversation is headed. "For your information I can get laid whenever the hell I want. It's just I've been a little preoccupied."


"Work." I state bluntly hoping she stops whatever question she's forming next.

"You still never answered my question."

I look up at her knowing she's not gonna let up until I give her an exact answer. "Technically the last time I had some type of sexual activity was....in your office." I mumble the last part as I look anywhere but at her.

"I didn't quite get that last part maybe if you didn't cover your mouth it would be easier to hear you." I roll my eyes at her nagging.

"It was with you okay are you happy? The last time I did anything was with you in your office." I got it off my chest as I watched Natasha act almost surprised like she forgot about our past.

"Oh" a small smirk forms on her face. "We'll that explains your mood recently."

"For your information I don't need to have sex in order to feel better about myself."

"Sure you don't" she teases as I get more flustered by the second at all her insinuations.

"Okay my turn" I turn her attention back on me. "Natasha when was the last time you got laid?" I watch as she bites her own tongue staying quiet.

"Nothing?" I tease back. "We'll that must explain your mood as well, I mean it's probably as dry as a dessert down there." I try to hold back a smile from my own remark.

"That's not true."

"I don't believe you." I can't help but find amusement in the fact that I can beat Natasha at her own game of sly comments.

"We'll we are going to the city of love, maybe you can find someone there." I look at her knowing I had a point.

"Same goes for you." She interjects.

"Alright fine" I sit up in my chair. "Our goal for Paris is for the both of us to get laid, we can even make it a competition. Whoever gets laid first wins."

"What does the winner get." I seemed to have grabbed her interest as she also sits up in her seat her full attention on me.

I shrugged. "It's up to the winner I guess, whoever wins gets to choose what they get out of it, no questions asked from the loser.


"Anything." I nod a little nervous for how my game is going to play out.

"Alright" she leans back crossing her arms. "If I win you let me fuck you no strings attached." I audibly gasp at her answer.

"Excuse me?!" I stand up not expecting that to be what she wanted out of this.

"You said no questions asked" she shrugs nonchalantly.

"Your crazy" I shake my head "but fine only if you win."

"Fine if I win you let me do the same to you no questions asked" she squints her eyes not understanding what I'm saying.

"You mean you be the one in control?" She clarifies my words.

"Exactly" I bite my lip with a glint in my eyes.

With a breathy sigh she stands up extending her hand. "Alright Ms Steele, it looks like you have a deal"

"Pleasure doing business with you Ms Romanoff" I shake her hand knowing that the both of us are going against everything we've worked so hard to avoid.

Fifty Shades of Romanoff Where stories live. Discover now