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Exiting the cab, I take in my surroundings and realize that the directions Natasha gave me are to a bar down the street. I hesitantly push the door open letting my eyes wander until I spot a familiar red head half asleep at the bar. What the actual fuck.

I quietly approach her before grabbing her attention "Natasha." I say tapping her shoulder. She reluctantly looks up to meet my gaze before turning around and taking another shot "what the fuck are you doing here Y/n." She drunkenly questions me. "What do you mean? your the one who called me remember" it takes her a minute to register my words before saying "oh" and drunkenly standing up.

She starts to walk away as I stand there confusion plastered on my face. She turns back around grabbing my attention "we'll are you coming." She states as if I'm the one in the wrong here.

As I call us a cab to take us back to the room, she refuses to get in. So now we're walking back to the hotel room in the middle of the night, I'm slightly tired and Natasha is hammered. As much as she refused my support to help her walk, she finally gave in allowing me to wrap my arm around her waist holding her up right.

We make it back to our room as relief washes over me knowing that I can finally sleep. Turning around after taking my coat off I'm met with Natasha undressing herself, her dress halfway unzipped. "What are you doing?!" I say turning back around to face the wall trying to give her privacy. "I'm tired and I want to go to bed." She whines back at me. "I need help" I hear her say as I turn around to face her. Unzipping her dress and undoing her bra for her I quickly slide a large T-shirt over her small figure. She makes her way over to her bed getting ready to sleep, as I'm about to turn around and do the same I feel her hand catch my wrist. "Stay" she whispers half asleep.

"Natasha I'm not leaving I'm just getting into bed" I tell her, but she persistently still grabs a hold of my wrist. "Stay" she mumbles again. Finally catching on to what's she's saying and being too tired to argue, I now find myself in the same bed as my boss as sleep consumes us both.

As my eyes open adjusting to the light streaming in through the window, I start to get up until realizing I can't move. Looking down I find a very peaceful Natasha slightly drooling on my chest as her arm is draped over me. Not knowing what to do and not wanting to be in a more awkward situation, I decide the best thing to do is to not wake her up. After laying in silence for a while only hearing Natasha's faint breathing, I start to feel her tighten her grip around me. I shut my eyes pretending to still be asleep as I feel her snuggle closer to me, her body stiffens with realization of our position. She quietly crawls out of bed and into the shower.

After a while I hear the shower water stop telling me she's done, I decide to get up and get ready considering we have a flight to catch in a couple hours.

The flight is almost coming to an end and we have yet to discuss any of what happened last night, assuming Natasha wants to forget about it I decide not to bring it up.

I get a phone call suddenly, I look around waiting to see if I'm needed before picking up "hey Paul" I reply cheerfully. Paul's a good friend that I met back before I graduated, with my now busier schedule it's been a while since we had time to catch up. "Hey I was wondering if you wanted to grab a coffee today?" He asks me. "Yeah, for sure. I have a break at noon so we can go then." I tell him before hanging up the phone quietly.

I feel like someone's staring at me and so I subtly look up glancing around the plane to find her looking in my direction. "Do you need something?" I mouth to her confused on why she's looking at me, she turns her glance away from me back out the window shaking her head. That was weird

Its a been a few hours since we arrived back at the office and my break is just about to start. I stand up quickly double checking I'm not needed by Romanoff before heading to the coffee shop across the street to meet Paul.

"Hey!" I say quickly giving him a hug before sitting at the table ordering a small coffee. "Hey how've you been, I feel like I haven't seen you in forever." He replies back.

We catch up for about half an hour before I check the time noticing my break times over. "I hate to cut this short but I have to get back to work now." I say apologetically. I see him clench his jaw before standing up and walking me out the door. "Thanks again for the coffee" I say before heading back. As I'm about to cross the street I hear footsteps behind me, it's Paul. "I'll walk you back." He says, as we make our way back to the office. He opens the door for me which I thank him for before giving him another hug goodbye.

I feel in a better mood after catching up with an old friend as I walk farther into the building. That is until I'm startled by seeing Romanoff standing at the front desk, her arms crossed. She looks mad?

"Ms Steele your late." She informs me in a stern voice.

"Ya, by like two minutes relax." I state the obvious with a bit of humour in my tone. She just stares at me silently, intimidatingly. I clear my throat and look back at her "it won't happen again" I tell her. She nods her head walking ahead of me while I follow a few steps behind. After some silence she speaks up "Is he your boyfriend." She questions calmly.

"What" she catches me off guard with her question. She repeats herself "the guy you were with, are you together."

"Paul?!" I laugh a little thinking she's joking. After she doesn't respond back however I realize she meant it as a serious question. "Oh" I clear my throat awkwardly "no he's just a friend." And that's the last of our conversation before we walk into yet again another conference room.

Sorry about my chapters being shorter, I never know how to end them.
Also I promise the story will get more interesting as you read on, I'm just trying to build the plot before it gets spicy 😏

Fifty Shades of Romanoff Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant