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"Oh my god she's calling!" I yelled out to the bartender.

"You gonna answer?" He looked over at me who was in a state of panic.

"Do I sound sober enough?" I rushed out trying to pull myself together. He just shrugged handing me a glass of water which I quickly chugged.

"Good luck." Was the last thing he said before I hit accept.

"Y/n?" I could hear her voice on the other side of the line.

"Yup that's me."

"Look I wanted to discuss a business party I have tomorrow night, I need you to come with me for it." I rolled my eyes, it's supposed to be my night off and she's calling me about work.

"As your assistant sure." I hiccuped which I really hope wasn't overheard through the phone. I quickly coughed trying to cover it up as the bartender gave me a judging look. "Shut up" I mouthed to him.

"Are you okay?"

"Mm fine. Look I gotta go Natasha can this wait for tomorrow morning."

"Y/n where are you?"

"Non if your business now get back to work I have a drink that attends to me."

"Your drinking?" Damnit I slipped up.

"You should go home I don't want you to be hungover at the office tomorrow." She said in a stern voice.

"Oh please it's my night off, stop being so bossy all the time. Do you really have nothing better to be doing with your night, it's kinda sad that you have no life outside of work."

"Where are you?" She ignored my lame attempt at an insult.

"A bar."

"I'm coming to get you." Was all she said.

"What no, no your not-

She hung up on me. "Ugh" I threw my head down on the table knowing I was screwed.

"So how was your call?" The guy came back over to me taking my empty glass.

"Can I have another shot?" He gave me a hesitant look. "Please she's on her way to come get me and I need liquid courage right now."

"Last one." He passed me over a glass before closing my tab.

"Your my favorite person tonight." I gave him a thumbs up downing the shot.

So I had figured maybe I would be able to miss seeing Natasha if I left the bar before she got here. So I stumbled my way out into the brisk night air almost bumping into someone.

"Y/n." I quickly looked up seeing Natasha pull up in her car.

"I'm not getting in."

"Get in."

I got in.

"Are you gonna talk?" She was the first to break the silence.

"If your expecting a thank you, your not gonna get one" I looked out the window watching the buildings pass us.

"How did you even find me?"

"Your location was turned on." Im such an idiot.

She parked the car after a few minutes as I noticed we had arrived.

"Oh well doesn't this bring back memories." I mumble remembering the last time I was at her place. I walked into her apartment as she locked it behind her shrugging off her jacket.

"Here" she handed me a bottle of water which I chugged. Romanoff just stood idly beside me and although I couldn't see her face I could feel her gaze on me. "Don't stare your being creepy" I threw out the empty bottle.

"I wasn't staring." She attempted to deny it as she looked anywhere but at me. She walked over to the living room grabbing a bottle of wine on her way. "Why'd you even bring me here and not just to my place."

"I don't know." She hummed pouring a glass of wine.

"Nuh uh, I'm not having anything else to drink." I declined before she even offered me one.

"It's not for you." She put the cap back on taking a sip of the red liquid. "You wanna sit?" She scooted over resting her back on the sofa.

"I'm not sleeping with you if that's what your hoping to get out of this." I held my ground before sitting beside her on the soft cushion.

"I never said I wanted you too."

I smirked "but you were thinking about it." I watched her take a big gulp of wine preparing herself for whatever mess of a conversation we were about to get into.

"What happened to the strictly professional talk you had set in place?" She was trying to beat me at my own game.

"We'll it's kinda hard to stay strictly professional when your constantly around me outside of work."

"Maybe if you stopped getting yourself into trouble I wouldn't have to interfere."

"Me get into trouble" I scoffed "your worse than me"

"I'm your boss I'm allowed to be worse."

"It's unprofessional for bosses to sleep with employees." I crossed my legs up on the couch trying to get comfortable.

"Is this directed at Kelly or you." She raised her eyebrow setting her wine glass down.

"Neither, your the problem here." I was getting tired of her assuming she did nothing wrong in every situation. Her ego was way too high and I wanted to crush it.

"Look I'm trying my best here to stick to your damn rules." She finally complains "so quit bringing up every mistake I've made in my life every time I accidentally piss you off."

"Maybe I should just sue you for unprofessionalism at work."

"You can't do that" she shook her head "or i'd fire you."

"Maybe I'll quit first." I retaliate as she looks directly into my eyes.

I wait a moment watching as although she stayed calm on the outside she was panicking. "Relax I'm kidding I'm not planning on quitting." I watched her visibly relax pouring herself another glass.

"Haven't you had enough?"

"Haven't you?" She used my words against me. Realizing we were only just gonna keep arguing the whole night if I stayed on this couch I decided I would head in for the night. "I'm going to bed thanks for letting me crash here." I felt her eyes on my back as I escaped down the hall. The damn sexual tension was still there no matter how hard I tried to ignore it.

That night I had slept the full night without any interruptions. Natasha never once came into my room or attempted to talk to me. It was as if we were in completely different apartments.

"Morning" I walked into the kitchen grabbing the coffee pot as the early hours shined through the glass window. She handed me a mug.

"I'm gonna go shower" I started walking away to the guest bathroom. "I could join you" I could hear the smirk through her words as it took everything in me to not turn around. "No thanks" I shut the door knowing she was flirting just to get on my nerves.

I borrowed a pair of her clothes putting on a formal black dress that cut just above my knees as I pulled my hair up and walked into the living room.

"Ready" Natasha walked through her bedroom door wearing a red suit that complimented her hair and made her green eyes pop.

"Your doing this on purpose." I frowned at her as I slowly pulled my eyes away from how well the suit fit her curves. I had borrowed some red lipstick from her as I watched her green orbs glance down to my lips as her eyes dilated.

"See something you like." I smirked biting my lip just to annoy her.

"Do you?" She asked back as I rolled my eyes knowing neither one of us were gonna win this game.

"Let's go we're gonna be late." I pulled her door open trying to keep as much distance
between us as possible.

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