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To say Romanoff Institute was a mess would be an understatement. I had been working around the office all morning while the company has been getting worse and worse by the second. I honestly don't even know where to begin with what went wrong.

For starters I wasn't feeling all that great today considering me and Natasha's little chat last night which ended up with both of us feeling miserable. And although that's probably the root of all our problems today we're not gonna get into details about it because I want to put our history behind us for good this time.

I had arrived on time for work and everyone seemed to be socializing more than usual. It was a little strange considering Romanoff likes order and focused employees at her company which was the total opposite of what I was seeing right now. I assumed either Romanoff had gone mad and didn't care about the business anymore or the more sane assumption was that she hadn't shown up to work yet.

"Hey Shaun?" I went up to one of my coworkers who I sometimes grab lunch with. "Is Romanoff in yet?"

He shook his head "nope haven't seen her."

Romanoff was always the first one here and the last person to leave the office so I was starting to worry when she hadn't shown up yet. I was really hoping she wasn't doing another getaway trip where she goes MIA for a long period of time and leaves me to handle all her shit on top of my own job. Now that I think about it, I should add that to the list of reasons why I despise the red head satan who seems to want to make my life a living hell whenever possible. I mean come on, I've been working here for months now and there always has to be something we can never agree on. Just once I wish my job had a day of piece because it was getting really fucking exhausting.

Anyways back to my story.

After about an hour of people doing absolutely nothing at work because our boss was no where to be seen, which was a little immature if I do say so myself. I mean we are grown adults and just because we don't have a boss now everyone thinks it's okay to throw paper airplanes around the office. So maybe I was getting a little ticked off but to make matters worse fucking satan decided to make a grand entrance at about an hour and a half late.

"She's here!" I heard everyone panic as they attempted to get back to their desks before she walked through the front doors. I took a stance at Wanda's desk as we stayed in the corner of the room watching the scene unfold in front of us.

First she came barging in with those damn sunglasses that make her look even more scary. Secondly Rob who was a bit of an airhead didn't get the memo and so he threw another paper airplane down the hall smacking Romanoff right in the head. It all went quiet after that as everyone waited for her to say something. "I feel like I'm in a movie" Wanda whispered to me in amusement as I quickly shushed her focusing back on Rob who looked to be shitting his pants and Natasha who was storming after him.

"Rob your fired." She said, her heels clicking against the marble floors as she stormed past him and through the elevator doors.

Well damn.

After Rob had gotten fired for throwing a silly piece of paper everyone seemed to be on edge scared that one wrong movement would cause an outburst from our boss.

Anyways back to present time. I was sitting eating lunch in the staff room when Shaun and a few others came up to me. "Hey girly" he pulled up a chair sitting down as I swallowed the large piece of lettuce that I was trying not choke on.

"Hi?" I felt like I was back in the highschool cafeteria waiting for my friends to gossip.

"So a few of us were talking and we think you should be the first to talk to Romanoff today you know maybe soften the blow for the rest of us."

Fifty Shades of Romanoff Where stories live. Discover now