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Although I knew I looked the part as I walked into the gala dressed in a long royal blue satin dress I definitely didn't feel like I belonged. Anxiety crept up my neck as I looked at all the wealthy and successful men and woman that surrounded me. Their wardrobes probably being more expensive than my pay check alone.

I watched as a waiter made their way around me as I grabbed a glass of champagne subtly chugging the golden liquid. Maybe some liquid courage would help me survive this night.

"Y/n don't tell me your already drinking" Romanoff scolds me as she swipes the now empty glass out of my hand.

"Blame Garry the waiter who just walked past me with it" I point to the younger server who kindly smiled at us as we looked his way.

"Y/n you still have a job to do tonight we're not just here for fun so I would really appreciate if you stayed on your best behavior"

I scoffed "Natasha please, when am I not?" I waved her off as I grabbed one last drink as she looked away for a second.

"I saw that" she glares at me

"Your no fun" I pout. An older looking man then grabbed Romanoffs attention before she was dragged off somewhere else. I watched her turn her head towards me mouthing "behave" before she got lost in the sea of people.

I wandered aimlessly around the gala eaves dropping on certain conversations not knowing what else to do with myself. Who knew such a fancy event could be such a snooze fest.

"And you are?" I turned around almost bumping into a younger looking man roughly around my age. "Me?" I pointed to myself not expecting anyone to approach me this evening.

"William Arthur" he holds out his hand. Placing my hand in his he kisses the back of it causing my eyes to go wide at the kind gesture. What is this Bridgerton. I pulled my hand back a little flustered by his actions.

"I'm Y/n, Y/n Steele. I'm Ms Romanoffs assistant." I motion over to the red head who seemed to be bored out of her mind.

"She seems nice" he said with some hesitancy before looking back at me. We stood in a comfortable silence enjoying each others company for a bit.

"Can you tell I've never been to one of these events before" I cringe at how much I don't fit in.

"We'll with the way you look tonight I never would have picked you as an assistant"

"Is that a good thing" I ask not understanding if that was a compliment or not.

He chuckles showing his pearly white smile "yes Y/n that was a compliment" His kind gestures couldn't help but put a smile on my face not used to the friendliness I was receiving.

"Well my fathers waving me over so I must go but it was lovely meeting you Ms Steele" he gives me a small peck on the cheek as I stood frozen in place.

"You too" I give a small smile back to him.

After he left my eyesight my eyes then traveled across the room to Natasha who seemed to be already looking over at me. She motioned me over with a serious look on her face.

"Y/n what the hell are you doing?"

I scrunch my face in confusion "what do you mean?"

She scoffs "what I mean is that this isn't some single and ready to mingle club this is a work event."

"Natasha I know that"

"Clearly not considering you looked ready to jump that guys bones" I follow her line of sight seeing William.

"William?" I laugh a little "I'm not insterested in him Natasha"

She waved me off "look I don't care what you do after you leave but I would greatly appreciate if you kept the flirting to a minimum tonight"

"What are you even talking about. Look if your jealous Natasha just say that" I watched her eyes flash to mine quite quickly

"Y/n I'm not jealous" she hissed at me clearly offended.

"Look I was just trying to be friendly quit overthinking things" I nudge her shoulder handing her a glass of champagne "here have a drink"

"I'm not gonna drink on the job" I watch her quickly change her mind turning her head and downing the glass once I notice a familiar presence behind us. I go wide eyed a little shocked at her actions "Y/n good to see you again, Ms Romanoff nice to finally meet you"

"Yeah you too" she says bluntly clearly not in the mood to talk. "William I was just telling Ms Romanoff about your family business" I pipe in trying to start a conversation.

"Ah yes I hope all good things" you see William is the head of his families billion dollar company Arthur's Wines. "Maybe we could team up in someway down the road. I mean I've heard great things about your business Ms Romanoff"

Natasha gives him a judge look "not likely"

"Natasha!" I hiss at her rude behaviour suddenly.

"William I think that's a lovely suggestion but me and Ms Romanoff must be on our way now. It was lovely seeing you tonight" I quickly scurry off dragging Natasha along with me into the woman's bathroom.

I smack her upside the head "ow!"

"The hell's gotten into you"

"Me?" She questions clearly not agreeing "what's gotten into you. Y/n I want nothing to do with your boy toy so keep him far away from me and my company"

"Oh my god Natasha when are you finally gonna get it through your thick skull that I'm not interested in him."

She went silent clearly pissed off at me for literally no reason.

"I'm leaving. I'm sorry but until you admit that a part of you is jealous I don't want anything else to do with you tonight" I walk towards the door.

"Then let's leave"

"Pardon?" I turn around on my heels facing her again.

She complains "I'm bored anyways and everybody here are prudes so we can just go" I feel her grab my arm before dragging me out of the event. I catch Williams eyesight as I quickly wave bye to him in the distance. He had a concerned look on his face by the way Natasha was bulldozing out of the event but by the time he noticed, Natasha had managed to walk us both through the exit.

"Do you think there's a bar around here?" She looks down the street attempting to hail a taxi. I feel the cool breeze of the night air whip around us as I stand beside the red head. "Oh forget it we can just walk" she grabs my wrist pulling me down the night street.

We were walking for about ten minutes and my feet were killing me. "Where are we even going Natasha!" I pull out of her grip as she spins around looking at me. "I. Need. A. Drink." She emphasizes every word before her eyes sparkle at something behind me. "Aha!" She points to a bar sign before crossing the street and heading in. Groaning knowing I can't just abandon her for the night I reluctantly follow her in.

Looking around I notice it's a pretty mellow bar. On one end there's a bar and the rest is filled with booths and a pool table.

"Can I get three shots of vodka please, actually no make that four shes being a big pain in my ass" she points towards me.

I sit beside her taking in my surroundings. Looking around the bar I notice that there's literally only woman here, okay that's a little strange. What kind of bar doesn't have men?

"Natasha why are there only girls here?"

"Darling that's because it's a gay bar" the waiter grabs both our attention as me and Nat both go wide eyed.

"What!?" We say in unison.

"Look if you two are some homophobes I'm gonna have to kick you out only gay couples are allowed in. She points to a sign above her head reading girls only. Oh okay that makes more sense.

"Well I guess we're in the right place then."Natasha scoops her arm around my waist "me and my girlfriend would like to open a tab"

Hi I'm back, sorry I had writers block for quite a while sorry to keep you all waiting :)

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