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It's been about a week since I first started the job, I feel like I'm finally getting the hang of it and I thankfully haven't pissed off Natasha anymore.

As I make my way into work ready to start the day, I hold Romanoffs coffee order in one hand and a stack of files in the other. Walking through the halls I pass Wanda one of the secretaries. We've actually become friends over the time I've been here and found we get along quite well.

Except instead of giving me a smile like always she has a worried look on her face. Concern crosses my face as I ask her what's wrong.

"Nothings wrong it's just you might not want to go in there yet." She warns me.

"Wait why?" I want to know more. She just shrugs her shoulders. "Im not sure what it's about, but Romanoff looks even more cold hearted than usual, if that's even possible. I swear I could see steam coming out of her ears. Just thought I'd give you a heads up before you walk into whatever hell's happening on the other side of that room." She then walks away giving me a Sincere look.

I take I deep breath before walking into her office. Maybe me bringing her coffee will make it better.

Nope definitely not better. I stand in the door-way shocked seeing the mess around the room. Anger issues much. There's papers everywhere, chairs thrown around the room, glasses shattered and in the middle sits Romanoff yelling at someone on the phone. "Yeah well you can kindly fuck off, what makes you think I would want to see your face anywhere near me!" She yells into the phone before hanging up on whoever that was. Not sure if she heard me come in I clear my throat hoping to get her attention. Noticing my presents her calm facade goes back up and she looks perfectly calm as if nothing ever happened. "Oh good you brought coffee." She states standing up to grab it from my hand. I place the files on her desk unsure of whether I should ask about what happened. I mean what, am I supposed to just ignore the state of the room that looks like a fucking bomb went off.

"Sooo" I clasp my hands together, breaking the tension. "How's your day been" I don't want to pry and piss her off even more.

"Good good." She answers back completely ignoring the scene I just witnessed. What is she bipolar?

"If you don't have anywhere to be you can sit and help me go over some files" she offers. Reluctantly I agree to her invitation.

Awkwardly looking around the room for a chair, I drag it in front of her desk. There's a very thick silence in the air, the only thing your able to hear is the loud ass chair screeching across the marble floors. Finally sitting down I take a stack of papers and start going through them as Romanoff does the same.

It's been about an hour and I break the awkward silence that's been going on since I arrived. "Would you uh...maybe want me to call someone to clean up the room for you" I quietly ask trying to come off as genuine as possible.

Without looking up from her work she just replies with a simple yes before going silent again. Me being dumb and feeling uncomfortable in the silence decides to ask probably the worst thing I could have said. "So who was on the phone." I simply state trying to make it sound as normal as possible.

"Someone I used to know" is all she says. I glance down at her hand holding a pencil, her hand visibly whitens with the firm grip she's placed on it. She still upset. "Wanna talk about it?" I ask her.

She huffs before dropping the pencil, running her hand down her face. "My family wants to meet up later this evening to catch up."

"Oh that's nice." I say cluelessly. She glares at me. Okay not nice.

"You don't get along with them I'm assuming." I should probably stop prying but whatever.

"No I don't." She pauses before continuing. "They're all backstabbing dicks, who control your life until you break. The whole reason I'm where I am now was because of the pressure they put on me my whole life." She scoffs "and to make it even worse, once I became more successful than they were they got mad at me, said that I was worthless peice of shit and that I don't deserve anything I have. I'm pretty sure they're just jealous of who I am, but they're the ones who turned me into this cold heartless monster as everyone likes to call it." I see her facade fall as hurt crosses her features. "We haven't spoken in years and now they want to meet up, they probably just want to use me again before kicking me to the curb." She finishes

Not expecting that conversation to lead where it did I was at a loss for words. "I'm sorry you had to go through that. You didn't deserve that." I sympathize for her, reaching across the table placing my hand on top of hers, attempting to bring her comfort.

I think she just realized all that she said, as regret clearly crosses her face. She pulls her hand away from mine "Yes we'll it's all in the past now. Go find someone to clean this mess up for me."and with that she kicks me out, not long after walking out herself to god knows where.

It's been a few days since me and Romanoffs last conversation. Even though I'm her assistant I've barley had any run ins with her. The only time I've seen her is when she's asking me to reschedule meetings or any other Boring tasks that come with my job. Even though we haven't had much time to get to know eachother I kinda feel disappointed that I haven't been able to catch up with her. Maybe all the rumours I overhear from other employees are true. That Natasha really is cold hearted and really not a people person. When I first met her even though she seemed a bit closed off she was always kind to me. But maybe that was just an act so that I'd keep the job she offered me. I'm probably thinking to much into it. I mean she's my boss we're not friends or anything. She most likely just thinks of me as another employee she gets to boss around. I mean as much as that is my job, I can't figure out why it upsets me so much.

As I start to zone out deep in thought I hear my phone ping.

Paul: Hey not sure what your up to but wanna come for some drinks with me and a couple friends???

Technically I'm still supposed to be on work hours but I could really use a drink. It's been a long week. So I reluctantly reply with a yes.

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