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"I'm sorry did you just say dad?" I blurt out in a very perplexed state.

"Alexei what are you doing here. I thought I made it quite clear on the phone that I didn't want to see your face anywhere near me." She states sending a hard glare in his direction. I just stand there quietly off to the side unsure whether I should leave.

"Natalia I taught you better than to hang up on people it's rude, especially when it's family. And I told you I wanted to see you. So if you weren't going to put in any effort then I decided to take matter into my own hands. So now I'm hear. Ta daaa" he says as he extends his arms out making jazz fingers.

He's got a very strong accent that Natasha definitely does not have and since when is Romanoffs name Natalia. I quietly try to peice everything together considering this is the most I've learned about Romanoff considering she's quite private with her personal life.

Natasha rolls her eyes before quickly making her way in his direction. "I don't give a crap about why your here, I want you gone....Now." She presses her finger against his chest causing him to stumble backwards in the direction of the door.

"Natalia think about this, I haven't seen you in so long. I mean I understand that your still pissed about me and Melina splitting up but come on I'm family" he tries to reason with her.

She scoffs "if you were family you wouldn't have cheated on her, your the reason why our family has been shattered into peices and I'm not letting you drag my business and what I've made for myself down with you this time" she continues to walk pushing him backwards until he's out of the office.

"Just w-

She slams the door shut locking it before he can finish his sentence. She leans her back against the door sliding down so that she's seated on the floor. She holds her head in her hands clearly deep in thought. I'm starting to think she forgot I'm still here.

I clear my throat swinging my arms out in front of me unsure whether I'm supposed to leave or stay.....

"Wanna talk about it" I quickly ask her in which she responds with a hard no barely acknowledging my presence.

"Natasha?" I try to get her attention. No response.

I try again "Natalia" I say unsure whether that was a good idea. She quickly lifts her head up as tears form in her eyes. "I don't know what your expecting from me right now, but I swear y/n don't you ever call me that again or I'll have you fired faster than you'd think possible" her voice drops to a lower octave as anger forms on her face. Feeling a bit too intimated and scared for my life in that moment I quickly head for the door. However before closing it I pop my head back in.

"I'm sorry for my part in all this, but I'm not sorry for trying to get to know you Natasha. As much as you don't want to admit it eventually you need to let someone in or it's going to destroy you" I say with sincerity before closing the door and walking away.

It's the next day and I'm honestly dreading going to work. Like usual I have Natasha's coffee ready for her when she enters the building. However today I don't really want to see her considering last nights event. I know it was non of my business to push her about opening up with her personal life, but is it really so bad for me to want to know more about her.

I stand at my desk tapping my foot against the floor anxiously waiting for the elevator to ding open and present the red head. Except as a few minutes go by I realize she's a lot more late than usual. Me being not very patient gives up on waiting for her to show up and instead gets to work at my desk leaving her coffee on the side to get cold.

I don't know how long it's been but from across the hall I hear Romanoffs office door open and out comes Ms Romanoffs with her head held high.

She's been here the whole time and I didn't even realize. I'm the worst assistant ever. I think to myself internally smacking my face.

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