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"So what should I wear to the party tonight?" I ask her handing her over contracts to sign off on.

"It's a fancier party so wear something nice, kinda like what you wore to that gala."

"Ah yes you did love that dress." She stopped writing as she picked up on my flirtatious tone in my voice. She set her pen down crossing her arms and leaning forward to show more cleavage. I kept my eyes fixated on hers as I wasn't letting her win this game.

"What are you implying...?"

"We'll I just hope your not gonna be the jealous type tonight when I start talking to people besides you." She picked back up her pen looking down at the desk. "I don't think that'll be a problem tonight considering your going as my date rather than my assistant."


"Well this is more a pleasure party and I wasn't gonna show up empty handed to this thing so..."

"This isn't exactly sticking to our rule."

"No but it's also not breaking anything." She held in a grin as I didn't decline her invitation as her date.

"See you at 8 then?"

She nodded her head "I'll pick you up this time."

I had went shopping that afternoon picking out a dress for the event. It was a deep red color and had a low v neck showing enough but leaving the rest to imagination. I had let my hair down in loose waves as I added a light Smokey eye and a bold red lip.

There was a knock at the door, checking the time I realized it was already time for Romanoff to get me. I opened the door saying a quick "hi" before locking it and turning around to face Natasha. She was wearing a black dress that looked very good on her, she also had a red lip, the same as my dress colour allowing our outfits to subtly match.

I watched her take in my attire as her eyes lingered on my chest. I cleared my throat. "My eyes are up here." I smirked watching as her gaze shot up to my face. "Let's go." Her heels echoed as she walked ahead of me.

It was a late dinner party as a resteraunt was rented out for certain CEO's to attend. All the guests were allowed one plus one. After hearing that, I felt kinda special knowing Romanoff had picked me out of everyone. In the back of my head however I was constantly reminding myself that we were still professional and I was nothing more than her assistant.

I looked over the menu my eyes bugging out as I looked at the prices that were more than my whole pay check. "Relax the dinners covered by the event you don't have to pay." Natasha chuckled after seeing my panic.

"So" a younger looking man caught our attention as he sat across from us at one of the tables. "How's the all high and mighty Romanoff nowadays."

Romanoff licked her lips before giving the man her full attention. "Charles, I see your still as arrogant as you once were." She spoke with venom dripping from her words as I wasn't expecting such snarky comments from her tonight. The red heads words seemed to have pissed the man off enough to shut him up for the rest of dinner.

Natasha leaned her head over so that she was in ear shot of me "That's Charles Cavendish, he used to work at my company before I fired him for sexual harassment."

"Sexual harassment towards whom?" I took a sip of my cold water as Natasha quickly responded with "me."

I choked looking over at her with concern written all over my face. "It's alright it's in the past now."

I leaned over continuing our conversation "what kind of jerk does that and then has the balls to show up here just to insult you."

"Some business men don't have respect that's all. After I fired him, he went and worked for his dads company before starting his own. He's just here tonight in an attempt to rub in my face the fact he became successful without me."

"He's a douche." My face was growing red with anger as I looked back to see he had a smirk plastered on his face.

"Calm down" she put her hand subtly on my bare thigh under the table. "It doesn't bother me anymore, I'm still making millions more than him." I relaxed under her touch taking a deep breath before continuing my dinner. If he was fired for sexual harassment how far did he hurt Romanoff to make her feel so threatened that she fired him. It made me wonder if maybe that was one of the many reasons of why she struggles to let people in.

I'll never let anyone hurt you ever again Natasha Romanoff. I promise.

The dinner portion of the night had subsided and now it was cocktail hour as everyone mingled with each other. I stuck by Romanoffs side the whole night as we kept eachother company, in all honesty I just thought everyone here acted too egotistical for my liking.

"Ladies" I man in his late 50's approached us as I braced myself for another self centered conversation. "Romanoff I must say you and your girlfriend look stunning tonight."

Girlfriend. Girlfriend?!

"Oh no we're not together." Natasha was the one to step in cutting off the rumour. There was an odd feeling in the air as I cleared my throat trying to break the awkward pause. "A friend" I held my hand out to the man who shook it eyeing me suspiciously. I just smiled at him kindly before he left us alone.

"I told you this was being unprofessional, people are gonna think we're dating Natasha. What happens if they visit the office and recognize me, I'm not gonna be your date then I'll be your assistant. Do you know how bad that makes my reputation look, I'm gonna get labels out out on me and then I'll end up in the news papers seen as a whore for sleeping with my boss." I was clearly over analyzing everything which Romanoff knew as she let me get it off my chest.

"Who cares what people think, I'm your boss and as the most important person in your career I don't see it as a problem, so you shouldn't either."

"Here" Natasha took my glass out of my hand placing them on a table beside us. "How bout we leave the event, we've been here long enough to carry out the invitation. Besides your non-sense panicking is stressing me out."

"Sorry" I gave her an apologetic look as she placed her hand on my back leading me out.

"Leaving already?" The most irritating voice here had to be the one to interrupt. I clenched my jaw turning around to face the oh so charming dickhead Charles Cavendish. His name sounds like it should be on a soup can.

"Yeah we are heading out so if you don't mind-

"Romanoff never was the people person now was she." He glanced at the red head beside me as she looked at him with a calm facade.

"In your opinion maybe, but I'd say she's quite good company." I butted in having enough of this blonde headed bimbo.

"Wow Romanoff, you can't even speak for yourself anymore having your slut do everything for you."

I had enough.

I stepped forward punching him right in side of the face which sent his face flying to the side. But then my eyes went wide in realization that I just punched a very high in power business man. I don't have the money to afford getting sued.

"We'll it's about time someone put that boy in his place!" I heard the man we were talking to earlier yell out from the distance. My face probably looked like a tomato knowing I caught the attention of everyone in the room.

"Bitch" He gritted out playing with his jaw as he held his nose. "I think you broke my nose" he exclaimed out in pain.

"Oh please I'm sure daddy's money can fix that one." Romanoff was the one to speak up this time before saying that we were leaving.

We walked out of the resteraunt as we headed for Natasha's driver.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make a scene."

All Romanoff did was smile which eventually turned into a laugh "I knew bringing you to this event was gonna be a good idea."

"Your not mad" I took a seat beside her in the car. "Y/n that was the most eventful business event I've ever gone to."

A small smile grazed my lips as I shook my head "I can't believe I punched someone."

"Yeah and you looked hot doing it." My head whipped around to her. "You think I looked hot?" I asked out huskily.

Romanoff cleared her throat looking out the window knowing she crossed a line. "We'll thank you" I grabbed her hand showing my appreciation.

Fifty Shades of Romanoff Where stories live. Discover now