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It had been a little over a week since me and Natasha started doing whatever it is that we're doing. We have still yet to talk about what it is that we are and it's starting to bug me. All throughout the week Natasha's caught me off guard. One minute she's assigning work to me as if I'm just her assistant and the next she's pushing me against a wall while I squirm at her touch. Although it's only been kissing here and there, her touch makes something inside me burn with desire. I have been very sexually frustrated as my boss continues to tease me without going farther than kissing and it's making me a mess!

"Y/n!" I hear my name being yelled as I shoot up from my desk.

"Coming!" I scurry into Romanoffs office

As I walk through the doors I watch as she goes through files surrounding her desk not glancing at me once. "I need you to attend a gala with me tonight for a fundraiser I've been invited to."

Millions of thoughts start to rush through my head as I don't respond back

"Is there a problem?" I hear her say

"No no, just you want me to go as like your.....date?" I hesitantly squeak out.

Her head quickly looks up in my direction "absolutely not" she says shaking her head

"You are my assistant unless I say otherwise, I don't know what made you assume anything more, but this is a function with many high powered people attending so don't you dare ruin my reputation. You will be my assistant tonight and only my assistant." She says firmly

I stood there silently nodding my head at every word she says.

"You can leave"

I make my way to the door and as I turn the knob I hear her speak again "y/n wear something nice okay" she says as I hear her tone become warmer again.

I make my way out the door as I try to come up with something suitable enough for me to wear to the gala.

"Anna I have no idea what your supposed to wear to a gala, the only thing I own are work clothes and sweats" I rant to her through the phone as I throw clothes around my room trying to find something for tonight.

"Y/n relax I'm sure you'll find something you still have......two hours before you have to meet Romanoff again"

"Ugh" I sigh sitting on the edge of the bed "im screwed" I whine through the phone.

"Does Romanoff have a company card?"


"I'm pretty sure it's for employee use, so just use the card to buy you something pretty for tonight"

"I can't do that" I panic thinking about all the ways Romanoff would burry me alive if she found out I used her money for myself.

"Relax it's not her money, it's the companies. And since this is an event for work, your purchase will be work related."

I pause weighing my options and taking one last glance through my closet. "Okay fine, I will go buy myself something nice"

"Yay, k bye!" I hear Anna's excitement through the phone before she hangs up.

It has now been two hours later and I'm showing up outside of the gala waiting to meet Romanoff.

You'd think me being her assistant id get to ride with her but apparently not.

I was able to find a dress that I hope suits the occasion and isn't too revealing. I just hope it's  approved by Romanoff.

Speaking of the devil, I watch as her sleek black car pulls up as she is escorted to the sidewalk.

She's wearing a long black dress that hugs her figure quite nicely. Her hair is stopped at her shoulders by small ringlets that frame her face. She looks amazing.

Trying to catch my drool I quickly snap out of it as I hear my name leave her lips.

"Where the hells y/n?" I hear her mumble to herself as she looks around for me. I rush over to her as quick as possible while trying not to trip over my own two feet.

"Here I'm here!" I quietly rush out as I make my way up behind her. Her read hair sways over her shoulder as she glances in my direction. "Oh good your here, I thought I would have had to scold you about punctuality-

Her words are cut short as she freezes mid sentence. I watch as her eyes scan over me visibly darkening as they make there way over my face locking eyes with my own.

"What, Did I wear the wrong dress?" I say scanning over my attire. "I can go change if I did, I've never been to a gala before-

I stop my rambling as I feel her hand catch my wrist gently "no" she freezes for a moment "you look very pretty" she whispers clearing her throat and pulling her hand away.

"You should wear your hair down more often it looks nice" she says as she starts to walk away from me.

Did she actually just compliment me? That's a first. I walk through the gala doors being met with a big ball room, a bar and hundreds of nicely dressed people filling the large room.

Let the night begin.

Fifty Shades of Romanoff Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant