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"There's two beds so take whichever one you'd like" she tells me as she heads in the bathroom to clean up after the plane ride.

Once she leaves, I fling myself onto one of the mattresses letting the exhaustion take over my body for a sec.

"Y/n you have work to do. I did hire you for a reason, so no time for sleeping." She scolds me As I roll off the bed accepting the fact that my day is not over yet. I see Romanoff walk into the room dressed in a suit which hugs her figure quite nicely might I add.

"I have a meeting to attend, but I need you to book a dinner reservation for 6 tonight at the Embassy. I'll meet you back here in 2 hours to go to dinner. There's a dress in that bag that you can wear, as I'm assuming you didn't pack anything. Be ready when I come back." And with that she leaves.

As much as I so badly want to let sleep consume me, I remind myself that I have a job to do and from the rumours I've heard it's best to stay on Romanoffs good side. So with that I make a reservation and then go snooping in her bag to find my dress. I pull out a very expensive looking red dress that has a low v cut neckline. It's a bit more revealing than what I'm used to but I don't have anything else to wear.

The two hours have just about passed and as I'm putting my heels on, I see Romanoff enter again. "Good your ready, let's go."

We exit the hotel and head into a car headed for the restaurant.

While we're waiting in the car she informs me more about the dinner. "You'll stay beside me for the whole dinner, it's only going to be a few people as I'm closing a deal with another corporation. I expect you to be on your best behaviour agreed." She looks up waiting for my response. "Yes Ms Romanoff."

"Natasha" I hear her say in a quieter voice. "What?" I question not hearing her fully. "My name it's Natasha, I'd still prefer to be called Romanoff at the office but any other time you can call me Natasha." She tells me as she looks out the window.

"Natasha." I mumble to myself

"Did you say something." She questions turning around to face me. "What? no. I just like the sound of your name. It's pretty" I tell her, as much as she keeps a calm composure on the outside I can't help but notice a small shade of pink appear on her cheeks.

Before our conversation can continue she turns away from my gaze, quickly changing her features to that cold glare everyone else sees. "We're here." She says before exiting the vehicle not giving me a second glance.

Walking in the restaurant I can't help but feel as if everyone's gaze is on us, causing me to feel a bit overwhelmed by the new environment. I feel Natasha's hand rest on my lower back as she leads me to our table. After greeting the few people opposite from us, I take a seat sipping on the wine placed In front of me in hopes that it will calm my nerves.

As the dinner goes on I pay little to no attention to what the conversation is about. I aimlessly look around the restaurant consumed by my own thoughts. That is until I feel Natasha's hand rest on my thigh, as I look up at her however, she's still very focused on the conversation, paying little to no attention of where her hand rests. I assume she didn't mean anything of it and so I go back to sipping on my wine. A few minutes later I feel her hand shift ,sliding higher up my leg and still she pays no attention to me. As my skin begins to burn having her hand rest high up on my thigh, it seems to be the only thing I can concentrate on. I go to grab my glass of wine again until I feel her hand squeeze my thigh making me jolt. This then causes me to knock my wine over and onto Ms Romanoffs suit. Shit

She quickly pushes up from the table and calls a waiter to clean up the mess. She excuses herself for a minute not paying me any attention as she leaves me with the rest of the people at the table. Debating on whether I should go help her, I also excuse myself from the table going to search for her.

As I enter the bathroom Natasha's back is facing me, she's cleaning her blazer off in the sink leaving her back tattoo of a rose on display. The door shutting catches her attention as she looks at my reflection in the mirror. "Natasha I'm so sorry I really didn't mean to do that. Let me help you clean up the mess I've made." I say feeling very guilty about my clumsy actions.

"Y/n just go back to the dinner, you've done enough I'll be out in a sec." She says with a sour tone in her voice. She's mad.

"What do you mean? 'I've done enough' technically you wouldn't even be in this situation if you hadn't of had your hand up my dress." I say back a bit pissed off.

"Ya well I don't know if you noticed but you didn't seem to mind my hand on your thigh, I mean if you wanted you could have pushed it off of you anytime." She replies back.

"It doesn't matter whether I liked it or not, it was highly inappropriate given the situation." I argue back at her.

My comment didn't help with her frustration as she huffs before dropping her blazer in the sink and turning around. "The only reason I had my hand on your leg was to keep you from dozing off, I mean you could have at least put in a little effort to seem interested in the conversation."

"I'm only your assistant my job isn't to entertain the guests, I'm supposed to sit quiet and look pretty. Right?" "I mean I can't think of any other reason of why you would even higher me in the first place." I talk back to her letting the conversation heat up. Im blaming it on the few glasses of wine I've had, affecting my judgement.

"I don't understand why your still on about me offering you a job, you wouldn't have accepted my offer if you didn't want to, so just let it go. Now if you'll excuse me I have a job to get back to, go ahead and do whatever the hell you want." She fumes at me before storming out.

Dinner Carries out as I sit uncomfortably in my chair while the rest of the table discusses how clumsy of a person I am. In any other situation I would assume Romanoff wouldn't have people talk bad about me. However considering I pissed her off earlier, she doesn't seem to have any interest in stopping them.

Having dinner come to an end, we're now sitting in the back of the car in an uncomfortable silence.

We arrive at the hotel again and Natasha exits by herself leaving me on my lonesome. Not wanting to go back quite yet and have her scold me, I decide to take a walk along the street and look at the shops.

It's been a couple hours since we got back and I decided I should probably head in for the night considering it's getting late.

Walking into our shared hotel room I realize that Natasha's not even here. Not knowing where she could be and being too tired to care what my boss is up to, I get a needed shower, washing the day off of me.

Finishing up and changing into a pair of sweats and a hoodie, I curl up in bed waiting for sleep to consume me. That is until I hear the obnoxious noise of the hotel phone start to ring.

"Hello" I ask to whoever's on the other side of the line. Not really caring what they have to say and just praying that they hang up. That is until I hear a familiar voice on the other side of the line. "I need you to come get me." I hear her mumble into the phone, before giving me the address of her location and hanging up.

Confused as to where this is headed, I grab my coat and head back out into the cold to go find Romanoff.

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