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I roll over in bed as the warm sunlight hits my bare skin. I turn my head as I bite my lip watching the red head asleep beside me.

"Your staring." She mumbles peaking her eyes open as she turns to look at me.

"I wasn't staring I was admiring." I couldn't help but smile as I climbed on top of her.

"Have you forgotten we have a job to get to."

I begin kissing down her neck childishly. "Have you forgotten that your officially my girlfriend." I pull away from her neck looking at the hickey I mischievously placed.

"Go get dressed my driver will be here within the hour." I roll my eyes crawling off of her as I walk to the bathroom completely naked. "So I get to drive to the office with you now too, lucky me." I try my best to compose my excitement before closing the bathroom door and getting a shower knowing nobody at the firm could find out about us, or it would be really bad news.

"Somebody looks in a chipper mood today." Wanda sings as I stroll past her on the way to the elevator. "So did you finally get laid, you have that morning sex look."

"Ms Maximoff you dirty dirty girl." I tease as we both step into the metal box. "I'll have you know I did no such thing." I lie through my teeth. "Am I not allowed to just be in a good mood?" Real smooth y/n.

"I guess." She leaves me hanging in the elevator a floor down from Romanoffs office.

"Good morning!" I push open her door handing her a coffee as I take a seat on her couch.

"You need to pull yourself together before people start assuming things, your prancing around like you've smoked a pound of weed."

"Is nobody in this building allowed to walk around with a smile on their face?" I complain.

"Look somethings come up and we have to take a trip to Atlantic City." She closes her laptop looking at me with her business face on.

"Love it, when do we leave? I'll make sure to pack something special for the night." I smirk at her crossing my legs.

"Y/n as much as I hate to dampen your mood this is serious, I'm gonna need you to be strictly my assistant on this trip for your sake and mine."

"Oh." My excitement diminishes by the second. "So when exactly is this trip taking place?"

"We leave at 5 this evening and it's short only two days."

"How am I supposed to site see?" I whine as I watch her gather up her items.

"This job isn't just all fun Y/n you also have a job to do, I didn't hire you just for your looks."

Fair enough.

"So if I'm not mistaken we should arrive in the city by 8 tonight and then the business lunch isn't until 3 tomorrow, meaning we could sneak a bit of fun somewhere in our schedule." I set my calendar down looking at Natasha who sits across from me in the limo.

"We need to stay strictly professional on this trip I already told you that." She stares at me with thick black rim sunglasses hiding her eyes. Why was she shutting me out all of a sudden.

"Are you getting cold feet? Ya know from what happened yesterday."

"No" she shook her head pulling her sunglasses off as I finally got to look into her alluring green eyes. "Definitely not." She grabbed my hand kissing the top of it. "As much as I want to just go on vacation with you, I can't. Not right now anyways."

"I know." I pull my hand back stretching out my arms. "Could we at least have a nice dinner with some wine tonight?"

She tilted her head looking at me skeptically. "Just for an hour?" I piped in as she reluctantly agreed.

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