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We stayed like that for a few minutes as I breathed in her cherry and vanilla scent that surrounded my senses. Although my heart was still beating rapidly, my tears had dried up and I wasn't trembling like I was before.

I slowly pulled away as Natasha still kept a hold of my hand rubbing circles with her thumb. I hadn't noticed before but she had a few stray tears falling down her face which made my eyebrows etch together in concern.

"Why are you crying?" I softly wiped her cheek as her eyes closed at my touch, she sniffled trying to pull herself together. Her back was away from the office building as I realized I was the only one who could see her vulnerable state.

"I um" she tried to make her voice sound less shaken knowing I was seeing her at a weak moment. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay, I mean seeing your face when he had a hold of you like that...it scared me. It's just I like when I'm in control and in that moment I knew that someone else had taken the reigns for a bit and it made me uneasy." She pulled her hand away from mine after realizing she still had a hold of it.


I tried reaching out for her again which she stepped away from. "I'm glad your alright Y/n. I'll make sure Paul doesn't come anywhere near you again, but uh I have a job to get back to and so I just wanted to make sure you were stable enough to be alone."

That's when I clued in. Our agreement yesterday was strictly professional and Natasha was trying her best to keep it that way although I could tell she was hurting. I gulped down the pain wishing that I would've stayed in her embrace a little longer knowing that really was the end of whatever we had between eachother.

"Right we'll thank you" I gave her one last glance before walking off down the street knowing I needed some time to get ahold of  myself.

It was later in the evening when I finally made my way back to the office. Wanda had checked in on me as did a few other employees but I waved them all off, telling them I was fine and that Paul was just a lunatic who was obsessed with me.

I brought up some files for possible clients that the office would collaborate with and after scanning through them I was on my way to deliver them to Romanoff so that she could have the final say.

I didn't grow up with an easy life and so I was used to people like Paul always trying to take advantage of me. Although I must say I was quite afraid when he showed up at my workplace, my nerves had calmed after requesting a restraining order and hearing he was arrested to do some time. I think Romanoff put it down as trespassing and harassment or at least something along the lines of that. I honestly didn't care at that point, as long as he was gone I felt safe.

I knocked on her door waiting to be let in.

"Come in" she spoke over the intercom as I briskly walked in with a calm composure not allowing todays earlier events affect my work habits.

"Here are those files you requested about the clients, I already scanned over them and picked out the most suitable ones." I dropped them on her desk as she said a quick thanks not even glancing at me. Whether it was the fact she really wasn't interested in seeing me or something more, I didn't get the chance to investigate her feelings as I left quickly knowing I wasn't wanted in her office.

At around ten o'clock at night everyone had basically left the office besides a few strays. Romanoff of course was still here working away in her office while I stayed sat at my desk trying not to doze off. I mean all that damn running earlier really wears you down. I need to go to the gym more often if I'm gonna have to deal with anymore psychos like Paul.

I heard Romanoffs door open and shut as she walked up to my desk. "Y/n you can go home you've had a long day." I looked up through the bags under my eyes nodding at her words. Grabbing my belongings I stood up noticing she had her coat and bag in hand as well.

"Are you leaving now too?" I walked beside her towards the elevator.

"I am" she nodded pursing her lips as she clicked the lobby floor.

"Thanks for today" I couldn't help but thank her knowing she was the first one to step in when I was in danger.

"Y/n you don't have to thank me. I would step in countless times if it meant you were kept safe." My heart fluttered at her words feeling a sense of comfort knowing she still cared. "I mean as your boss it's my job to make sure my employees are kept safe." She added on quickly after clearing up any possible other meanings behind her words. Right I was just her employee nothing more. I found I was struggling to understand that recently, having to constantly remind myself that we were strictly work partners.

"Do you have a ride home?" Natasha looked over at me as we both stepped onto the sidewalk. "I was just planning on walking." I shrugged feeling the night air whip around us.

"Come on I can drive you." She offered as I followed her to her car.

We drove in silence which seemed to happen quite often now that I think of it. I directed her on where my apartment was as she followed keeping her eyes on the road the entire time. I had noticed she was gripping the steering wheel quite hard causing her knuckles to turn white.

"Are you stressed about something?" I knew it wasn't my place to ask but I couldn't help but wonder what was going through her mind.

She hummed "A little." That was all she gave me, no explanation just a simple answer.

The rest of the car ride I didn't speak a word knowing it was better off that way. We eventually pulled up outside my apartment complex as I said my thanks and exited the car.

"Y/n" I popped my head back in the car. "Make sure you put some ice on your face, I can already see the handprint forming a bruise on your cheek." I had totally forgot about Paul slapping me. I quickly reached up touching the sensitive skin not even thinking about the red hand print that had probably been on my face all day. Romanoff was the only one who had been nice enough to point it out to me. "I will thanks." I gave her a genuine smile which she didn't return but I knew she wanted to.

"Drive safe and I hope that whatever has been stressing you out lately goes away. I hate when your on edge because it makes everyone in the office shit their pants." My comment caused a small chuckle to leave her lips which made me happy knowing I could cheer her up.

"Night Y/n." I shut the car door as she drove off.

"Night" I whispered under my breath.

Fifty Shades of Romanoff Where stories live. Discover now