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I was on my lunch break watching memes at my desk when I heard Romanoffs voice flow through the buildings intercom.

"All employees stop what your doing and meet on floor 9 in the conference room." I wonder what that could be about? Romanoff never usually calls for a whole company meeting so it must be something good. I heard her door open and I quickly turned off the cat memes I was watching too intently.

"Y/n that means you too." I quickly obeyed following her down the hall.

I had somehow lost her in the crowd of employees as I ran into Wanda on the way up to the ninth floor.

"Rumour has it we're getting our raises early." Wanda spilled to me as everybody looked anxious around me. For all our sake I hope she was right.

"Morning everyone." Natasha briskly walks in late to her own meeting, her head held high as she stands at the front of the crowd. "Although many of you might think we're here because of your raise balance, let me quickly disappoint and tell you that is not the case." Whispers begin to chatter amongst the group as me and Wanda await anxiously at the edge of our seats. "We've had a breach at the firm as a confidential list of witnesses has been leaked to one of our rival firms." Our eyes quickly cross paths as we both quickly glance away from each-other knowing this isn't the time or place to have those thoughts. "Now although it is entirely possible that this was just an honest mistake, if it was not, please come forward now before I have to find out on my own terms. The longer this prolongs the less I will see it as a matter of ethics and instead loyalty to the firm. That's all your dismissed." She was the first to leave along with Luis the co-manager of the company.

"Why am I sensing this is actually a bigger deal than she made it out to be." Wanda whispers to me her voice laced with concern as I quickly glance around the room seeing as everybody seems to be on edge.

"Who do you think betrayed the company?" Wanda's asks being nosey.

"I don't know."

"So you really think there's a snitch in the company?" I stroll into her office having many questions.

"Y/n this isn't an episode of law and order, stop prancing around like an audience member with popcorn in their hand."


"This really has you stressed out hey." I cross my arms coming around to her side of the desk and looking at her computer screen.

She sighs rubbing her temples. "Hundreds of our witnesses have been leaked and I'm worried this is all gonna backfire if we don't get it sorted out soon. If there was a leak from someone in the firm, then who knows what else they have planned."

"We'll figure it out baby." I massage her tense shoulders as she visibly relaxes under my touch. "I really wanna kiss you right now." She sighs looking up at me.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but you know it's definitely not the time or place right now." She pouts at my rejection. I kiss her on the cheek before deciding I would be the one to get to the bottom of this mess.

"What about Bobby on floor 2 he's always caught stealing from the vending machines." Wanda pipes in with her assumption.

"I don't think Bobby's smart enough to articulate this, I hate to break it to you." She frowns as I shut down her idea.

"Y/n why don't you just let Romanoff figure this out I mean she is the head of the company you shouldn't be having to waste your time being a detective."

"Maybe your right...." I take a bite of my salad as me and Wanda reroute the conversation knowing stressing about the firm isn't gonna help anyone.

"Wanda Maximoff." Me and Wanda both look up to see Luis stood before our desk. "Me and Romanoff would like to have a word with you." I eye the bald man skeptically as Wanda nervously follows the man's orders.

"Luis what's this about?" I interject honestly finding the guy to be pretty stuck up most days.

"Y/n your just an assistant this doesn't concern you." He shuts me down and as much as I want to talk back I know he holds much more authority than I do.


I wait anxiously at my desk for Wanda, Romanoff and Luis to get out of their meeting hoping Wanda wasn't in any sort of trouble.

The doors fly open as I stand up concerned watching Wanda get dragged out by two security guards. "Y/n, y/n I promise I didn't do this." She gives me pleading eyes as I look back towards Romanoffs office completely confused.

"What just happened?" I burst into her office but put a more professional composure on once I realize Luis is still present.

"Y/n this doesn't concern you." Romanoff sighs standing up from her desk as Luis looks at me smugly.

"It kinda does when I see Wanda being dragged out of here by security, what did she do?"

"Ms Steele may I interrupt." Luis butts in as me and Natasha turn towards the prick stood before us. "It was found that Ms Maximoff had leaked the documents."

"No there's no way Wanda would do that." I deny his statement.

"It's true y/n, we found her account number on the taxing machine history. She was the one who sent over the list." My heart drops as Natasha confirms the news.

"Oh." I swallow the lump in my throat knowing this couldn't be good.

"Hello?" Wanda's hoarse voice picks up on the other end of my line and I could tell she had been crying.

"Hey." I say sadly

"Y/n I promise I didn't do it." She begins pleading over the phone.

"Wanda your number was found on the mailing list, they have evidence."

"Then I was framed." I sigh not sure who to believe. "Why would I betray the company like that."

"I don't know, that's why I'm calling you."

"They're suspending me..."

"At least they're not firing you."

"Yeah" she scoffs "for now."


"Look y/n I have to go my lawyers calling me." She interrupts my sentence as I become concerned.

"What do you mean your lawyer? Your gonna sue?"

"Yeah I mean I didn't do this, no way in hell am I gonna lose my reputation over this."

"Wanda let's not overreact before we get all the facts." I begin speaking but the line cuts out as she hangs up on me. I groan resting my head on the desk.

What am I gonna do?

Fifty Shades of Romanoff Where stories live. Discover now