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"So what does this business trip entail." I ask her as we walk into our hotel room plopping myself down on a bed.

"We'll tonight we have a small business gathering to go to and then tomorrow there's a meeting in the morning. The rest of the trip is free rain."

"Perfect I'm planning on sleeping" I lay down closing my eyes as exhaustion overtakes me. I hear Romanoff tsk as she drags me off the bed by my arms. "Nope remember our deal." She reminds me of the sinister plan she somehow got me to agree with.

"Fine" I open my eyes getting up. "But I'm gonna win."

The gathering that took place tonight went on painfully slow. Like the previous ones that I've been too, I didn't know anybody there and Romanoff seemed to have disappeared leaving me on my lonesome downing champagne glasses again.

After my third glass something clicked in my head, we never said when our deal starts and so Romanoff could be working on it right now.


I quickly scramble setting my empty glass down as I try to find Romanoff before she wins our sick game.

I tried to find the best spots where one could get laid in the open room, but then I figured the bathroom was the only private place. I quickly dashed down the hall in my heels as I slammed the door open. It seemed I was right finding myself to be a sexblock as I caught Romanoff and some blonde chick just about to do it on the bathroom counter.

"Oh no you don't" I grab a hold of her arm dragging her away from the desperate girl. "I'm not letting you win that easily you sly sneaky bastard. "Since when did we say it was okay to interfere with the others plan?" She complained pulling out of my grasp.

"We'll we never said we couldn't" I crossed my arms pissed off at how easy she was about to win our deal. We haven't even been in Paris a whole day and she was already gonna win.

"We've been here long enough let's go" I link my arm in hers as we walk out into the night sky and away from the business party. "Your crazy" she shakes her head at the fact I barged in on her and the woman, practically dragging her out of the building as if she was a kid.

"Im winning this shit, there's no way I'm letting you get off that easy."

We spent the remainder of our night in the hotel room I didn't trust Romanoff to stay put and the same went with her. So the both of us drank three bottles of wine until we both passed out simultaneously, neither of us trusting the other.

"Oh my god my head" I groan clutching my skull that was pounding. I had noticed I was still on the couch from last night as Natasha took a seat beside me.

"Here" she handed me a pill and water.

"Let's go get coffee before the meeting" she suggested as I quickly got up to shower.

I drew random lines and shapes on my notebook the entire meeting getting bored of old white men speak for hours on end. Although Natasha seemed intrigued on the outside, her non stop bouncing leg told me otherwise.

"God that was the worst thing I've ever had to sit through" Romanoff complains throwing her empty coffee cup out. I chuckle relieved she spoke what I was thinking.

"We'll Natasha it looks like our work trip is over time for some fun to take place." We stroll along the Paris streets.

"Where are you going?" She looks over at me as I start veering away from her. "I'm gonna get laid!" She shakes her head chuckling at the fact we're actually doing this.

I was sat at a bar scoping out my surroundings for any possible candidates. I mean sure I wanted to win but I still had some self respect, I wasn't planning on sleeping with just some rando on the street.

"Hey again" out of all the people I could have run into I would have never guessed it be someone from my past.

"Chloe" I look at her amused surprised that I just happen to run into her here of all places.

"What are you doing here?" I ask her pulling out a seat that she could accompany, this time there were no red heads getting in my way.

"I could ask you the same thing." She orders herself a drink as I can't help but think how easy it was going to be to win now.

Of course I'm still a respectful girl and wasn't planning on using Chloe for personal gain, the sultry look she kept giving me told me she wanted this just as much as I did.

"You wanna get out of here?" I question her.

"Absolutely" she takes hold of my hand leading me to her own place.

And that's how I spent my afternoon, tangled in sheets as me and Chloe accompanied eachother. I'm not gonna spare you the details but all you should know is that I did in fact get laid that day and as long as Romanoff hadn't beat me to it then I had won our little game.

Check mate Romanoff.

Natasha Pov:
I watched as Y/n walked off out of sight leaving me in the streets of Paris. I have to admit this is actually my first time here and as much as I would've love to tour around with someone I knew, it seemed as though Y/n had other plans. I always knew she was the competitive type however I didn't except her to take our game so seriously. I had tried last night to just get it over with and beat the girl before she could even bat an eye however she was too smart for my games.

After Y/n had went off on her own I walked along a park before heading into a nice restaurant and going to the bar section hoping to get some luck. I ordered a glass of wine before sipping on it and waiting for someone to approach me. I never chased when it came to sex I only attract. I know it sounds cheesy but it works for me and that's what I'm used to.

About an hour had passed since I got here and multiple people have come up to me except for some odd reason I had turned them all down and I couldn't figure out why. I mean sure I had a level of decency when it came to sex however I never found it this hard to pick someone out of the crowd. Ever since I met Y/n my need for going out and sleeping around had disappeared and it confused me.

"You wanna get out of here?" A taller slimmer brunette came up to me and after finishing my drink I figured she was good enough.


I didn't bother going to her house instead I took her to the bathroom, quick and simple.

We started off kissing or at least she did. I quickly took control slamming her against the wall as I kissed down her neck. We were getting heated pretty quickly and just as I was about to unbutton her pants I stopped.

"W-why'd you stop" she panted breaking away to look at me. I sighed getting frustrated at the fact I couldn't bring myself to fuck her.

"I can't." I sighed before opening the door and walking out to clear my thoughts. Every time a small moan escaped her lips or her hand would stroke through my hair it only made a picture of Y/n appear in my mind.

It was stupid the fact I had developed a small compassion for the girl and although I wasn't planning on ever admitting it to her I knew how I felt about her deep down.

I took a deep breath before unlocking our hotel room and walking inside wondering if Y/n had better luck than I did.

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