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"Get up we slept in." Im smacked in the face with a pillow as I groan opening my eyes, my vision a little blurry.

"Huh? Late for what?" My vision focuses in on Romanoff who's stood at the end of the bed half dressed.

"The lunch Y/n, now get up we can't be late." She walks into the bathroom as I stare at her unimpressed. My head was pounding like a mother fucker as I sat up in bed trying to collect my thoughts.

"Why don't you just reschedule this thing?" I suggest as I throw on a robe leaning on the bathroom door frame.

"That's not how business works Y/n. You can't just change things for your benefit. Now go get dressed." She pushes me out the door as I briefly close my eyes trying not to fall back asleep.

"You look nervous." I watch the red head fiddle with her hands as she looks around anxiously. "Why are you nervous? Your never nervous." I take a sip of water as somebody approaches us from the table interrupting us before Romanoff could reply.

"Long time no see." My head whips to the individual next to us as I widen my eyes in shock. Towering over us was non other than Natasha's father, who last time I checked caused quite a mishap at the institute.

"Have a seat." Nastasha instructs motioning to the empty chair.

What is going on?

We both sat in silence watching as the older man takes a seat with a hefty sigh. "Now Natasha why was it that I was informed of this meeting, not by you but from one of your assistants. Still letting other people do your dirty work for you I see."

We'll I see we're off to a great start.

"If your gonna complain the minute you sit down then maybe there's not even a point in me holding this meeting." Natasha glares at the man as I sit there looking like a fly on the wall. "Maybe we should order some food-

I try and make light chit chat first but am quickly shot down. "Clearly you didn't invite me here to catch up so what is it that you want from me now?" He tilts his head down staring daggers at the red head.

"Look I'm not proud of how we ended our last run in with each other either but there's more I need to talk to you about." Natasha begins her topic of choice as I sit back putting all the peices together of why we're here in the first place.

Natasha begins to go on about certain shares of the institute that she needs back in her name. Apparently her father had underhandedly stole them from behind her back when he was still partially in her life, and now if she doesn't get possession of these shares the company will be at stake.

"Your telling me you stole shares from the company?" I ask bewildered that someone would even think of doing something so illegal. I don't understand why Natasha doesn't just sue this man for everything he's done to her.

"It's not that simple." He quickly shuts down my interjection.

"Look I don't care how you stole them, I just need them back in my name." Natasha presses on.  "It's one thing to go behind my back but to drag my whole company down with you is plain wrong."

"Your right." He nods his head and I'm suddenly surprised by how well this meeting is going. "Taking the shares was my wrong doing, but you listen to me little one." He pauses as I'm practically at the edge of my seat waiting for an answer. "You must be completely stupid if you think I'd give you that power back" he chuckles. "I mean god your so easy to manipulate it's almost entertaining." He insults her and I know for a fact this won't turn out good for any of us.

"I get that you have no respect for yourself but don't you dare drag me and the company down along with your worthless ass." Natasha grits through her teeth. Tell me why it's so hot watching her get all powerful and demanding.

Not the time y/n.

The waiter comes over notepad in hand ready to take our orders. "You really think I'd just let you take back the shares and cut ties with me? Your my daughter is that really what you think I want?"

"I think we need a few more minutes." I wave off the waiter hoping this won't end in another screaming match.

"I don't know when you'll ever get this through that thick skull of yours, but I want absolutely nothing to do with you."

"Damnit Natasha!" He slams his hands on the table making us both flinch. "Why do you have to be so stubborn."

"Why do you constantly have to belittle me. Grow the fuck up and come talk to me when your done being a big baby about this."

He chuckles. "Your the one asking me for a favour here remember."

"You know your in the wrong asshole." She stands up as well, the both of them looking like they're ready to pounce on each other at any moment.

"If I'm not mistaken I think we're done here."

"You can't just walk away from me!"

"I can do whatever I want Natasha! You mean nothing to me, I'll take down your business until I've destroyed everything you've worked so hard on building for yourself. Then you'll really have to come crawling back."

"That'll never happen and you know it, I'm always gonna be better than you Alexei"

"Keep telling yourself that."

"Don't walk away from this!"

"Goodbye Natasha." He picks up his stuff as he walks off leaving us and this problem unsolved.

"So uh is that the outcome you were expecting?" I ask once it was just me and Natasha left at the table.

"Shut up Y/n"

Me and Natasha cut the trip short as we flew back that night. Natasha was in her own world, her fathers words had gotten to her and I knew these next few weeks were gonna be hard for her.

"Why can't you just take this to court?" I ask following her off the plane.

"Because y/n, there's no goddamn evidence to back up my claims. He thought this through and now he knows how to destroy me and my company from the inside out."

"Yeah but we'll figure a way out of this, we always do." I try to reason with her.

"Not this time..." she left the conversation at that as she locked herself in her office the rest of the night, shutting me and everyone else out.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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