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"W-what are you doing here. What happened?" She starts asking multiple questions concerned about my appearance.

"I- umm. I just didn't know where to go and I don't have a lot of people in my life and I figured you were here. I'm sorry I should go, I'll go-

I frantically start to ramble not really able to form a proper sentence. Before I can continue though Natasha cuts me off. "Y/n. Just come with me." She softly says as she leads me to the elevator. I just nod my head following beside her. She gives me her jacket wrapping it around myself as I make my way into the passengers seat of her car. I don't know if it's the alcohol still coursing in my veins, what happened with Paul or the exhaustion taking over my body, but I feel too numb right now to talk to her. So I just stare out the window unsure of where she's taking me.

Throughout the drive I can constantly feel her gaze on me, probably trying to figure out what happened. I just ignore her though wanting the day to finally be over. As we sit in silence, the only thing I can hear is the rain tapping against the window. I feel her place her hand on top of mine, she doesn't move it nor do I push it off. Instead I place my other hand on top, letting her know that I'm okay.

I feel the car finally come to a stop as I open the door and get out. Looking ahead of me I see I large apartment building that Natasha starts walking in the direction of. I follow her close behind as we make it inside.

She opens the door letting me walk into the apartment. It's got a large window overlooking the city with a nicely furnished kitchen and a hallway leading to other large rooms. "You took me to your house?" Being the first thing I've been able to say since I saw her.

"We'll I didn't know where else to take you and you didn't seem in the mood to talk so...." She lets her sentence drag on. "Right" I mutter unsure of what else to say.

After standing in thick silence for a while she leads me to a guest room, giving me a change of clothes since mine are drenched. She shows me a bathroom letting me know I can shower and freshen up while she makes some tea for us.

As I strip out of my dress, I look in the mirror and notice the dark purple finger prints that litter the sides of my body. I shutter at the memory it brings before stepping into the steaming water.

After I shower and change into the clothes she gave me I make my way back to her kitchen watching as she finishes up the tea. She hands me my cup telling me that there's sugar in the cupboard if I want any. Reaching up to grab the sugar my shirt lifts up a bit above my stomach. I hear a small gasp leave her mouth as I quickly drop my arms realizing she saw the bruises. She quickly walks over gently lifting my shirt giving her a better look at the marks. "I don't mean to pry but I'm guessing you didn't get those on your own." I stay silent not being able to look her in the eye. "Y/n you can't show up at my office late at night drenched with tears running down your face and not assume I'm going to want answers." I still don't reply unsure of how to start.

She leads me to her couch sitting beside me leaving a small distance between us. She just sits there drinking her tea waiting for me to say something. I sigh before telling her where it all went wrong.

I tell her about the club, the too many drinks, the situation with Paul, which explains the bruising to her and how I ended up at her office. I also let her know that I've come to terms with what Paul attempted to do to me and that I'm okay now. Once she actually believed I was mentally okay she started with her own questions.

"I just want to know why you thought the best place to go after all that was my office?" I laugh a bit at her comment. "I guess it is kind of odd. I'm not really sure why but after everything that happened the only person I could think about was you." I tell her truthfully.

She looks away for a sec. I have a feeling she's not used to having to comfort someone so this is new territory for her. I honestly feel bad for putting her in such an uncomfortable situation. "Natasha I'm sorry, If your not comfortable with me staying here I can leave, I didn't mean to take up your time. I mean I am just your employee, we didn't sign up for anything outside of work hours, so I can just go." I stand up starting to feel bad about putting all this on her. "No Y/n really it's fine, you can sleep in the guest room id feel better knowing your safe. I can just drive you to the office tomorrow morning."

After agreeing and making sure it really is okay with her, I find myself saying goodnight to her before parting ways to my room opposite from hers.

A bit of time has past and as much as I try. I can't seem to fall asleep constantly feeling on edge every time I close my eyes. Finally starting to get restless just laying in bed staring at the ceiling. I quietly make my way down to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

After clearing my head I walk back down the hallway only now realizing that she left her door partially open. I wonder if she's awake.

As much as I'd like the company I'm assuming she's fast asleep and so I make my way back to the unfamiliar room and try to go back to sleep.

A few more minutes have passed before I hear my door creak open and a silhouette of Natasha peak in. I sit up in bed as I see her walk in more coming into clearer view. "I thought I heard you in the kitchen earlier so I was just checking." She says to me as she looks anywhere but at me. "Ya I couldn't sleep, I didn't mean to wake you." I feel bad. First I show up at her office and now I wake her up halfway through the night.

"You didn't wake me, I couldn't sleep either." She whispered barely audible. After thinking about it for a sec I realized maybe some company would help me sleep. "If you want you can stay in here with me, I mean I wouldn't mind the company." I say to her unsure if that's crossing a boundary.

"Actually my rooms warmer than in here, you can sleep in there if you want." And with that she heads out of the room not even waiting for a reply.

Taking up her offer I now find myself headed in the direction of her room. Making my way through the doorway I see her getting under the sheets and so I get in on the other side facing my back away from her. I giggle a little getting deja vu from the business trip where I had to pick her up from a bar. "What's so funny" she questions rolling over to face me as I do the same.

"We never talked about this, but do you remember the business trip we went on, the one where you were pissed at me because I screwed up your dinner." I snicker a little reminiscing about the embarrassing memory.

She laughs a little too "I don't even remember why I was so mad at you and if I'm being honest the only reason I went to that bar was because I didn't want to apologize to you."

"Natasha you made me go on a scavenger hunt to find you in the middle of the night! I thought you were gonna fire me the next day." I see a small smirk make it's way on her face as the moonlight shines in through the blinds.

"Oh god and don't even get me started on the fact I forced you to sleep in the same bed as me." she groans covering her face. I feel like that last part slipped out because we never did discuss that.

"You remember that." I say quietly. She goes silent for a moment before continuing. "Of course I remember that." She mumbles.

"I just figured since we never discussed it that you didn't remember it."

"I didn't really think it was anything that needed to be discussed. It was just a moment of weakness for me that put you in an awkward situation." She states rather bluntly

"Right" I say agreeing with her. "Not gonna lie, I think it was one of the best sleeps I've had in a while."

She just hums in response before it goes quiet again. "I had a good sleep that night too." She says softly before turning her back away from me again.

"Night Y/n"

"Night Natasha"

Before I drifted off to sleep only a few inches away from her. I've come to the realization that Natasha does have a heart and no matter how thick the wall that she's put up around herself is. I will break it down eventually.

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