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I'm home with Mamaw and Pops. Pops fell asleep watching tv on the couch and Mamaw and I are doing each other's nails and talking with each other.

"Megan, you gettin' the nail polish on my skin right thea'!" My Mamaw exclaims.

I laugh on impulse, "Ma', I'm tryin'!"

Mamaw and I have been pretty much inseparable since I got back. I missed her a lot and phone calls don't do this moment with her any justice. I'm super grateful for her. She's a great mother.

I fix my mamaw's nails and we completely focus on the Tyler Perry movie playing in front of us right now.

"I love you, Babygirl."

"I love you too Mamaw."

We lay together and I feel like a little girl again and it takes me back to how close we were and still are.

"How's tour treated you?"

"Good. It's a lot and it messes with my sleep schedule though."

"But you like it, right? That's what's important."

I nod, "I love it Mamaw."

"That's what's important." She tells me. "When you gone get back in the studio?"

"Soon-- maybe sometime next week. I was thinking Wednesday. Can you come with me?"

"Of course." She says. "Now lemme do that hair fa you tomorrow."

"Do it in braids like you used to."

"Ight." Mamaw says. "Damn, I missed havin' you home and here you are. Ya daddy so goddamn annoyin' sometimes."

"Leave my pops alone, ma!" I laugh and lean into her.

Man I'm so glad to be home.


Normani plops down on my bed and looks me deep in the eyes.

She was one of the many people who came to support me after the breakup. She almost beat the fuck out of Onika because of how mad she was when I told her the full story.

Normani seriously has my back for everything and since we grew up with a very close bond,

"Something's going on."

"How you figure?"

"Your face." She says. "Nicki ain't it?"

I nod. What's the use in stalling?

"You miss that girl."

"I do."

"Take advantage of the fact that you're both in town at the same time. Go out for dinner." She says. "Don't let it be like last time where you had to wait about 4 more years to be this close."

I nod.

Normani's quite right. Freshly after I began to get more and more tour dates I decided to move to California and took my parents with me. We all missed Texas too much and eventually came back but Amira told me something about Nicki having to travel to Africa for a documentary and not being able to access a cell phone for a while. There was a perfect 2 hour window but nothing ever happened.

I cried in mamaw's arms and everything she almost called Nicki herself.

"How do I ask my ex for a platonic dinner date?"

Normani sighs.

"Gimme your phone."

Almost on cue my phone dings and I see a text message that just came in. It's a number though. Normani grabs it.

"That's Nicki's new number."

I look over her shoulder and read what I've just been sent.

Hey, you wanna go out for a drink sometime?
This is Onika btw ***

Normani texts back on my behalf.


Tht sounds good
What time and day works for you?


Like in the afternoon a bit towards the evening. Like 6 or so?

Normani pulls back and looks at me with a giant ass smile.


"Put yes."

Normani squeals as she types.

"Imma go ahead and get the wedding planned with Amira."

I chuckle.

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