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I'm done with work and I got in my car and got an emergency flight to go to my mama's. She is always ready to accept me with open arms and I think staying with her will help me. We're close and I feel like she could offer me wisdom on this whole situation. I don't even know how to feel about Megan.

I get about a stop sign far from her house and sent her a quick 'I'm about to be there' text and she sends me a thumbs up.

I smile.

She really is my biggest support system.

I arrive and walk into the door to be greeted by her with a big smile. School is out for a week so she's been home doing old lady shit. Or maybe she's really getting old on me.

"Nika!" She hugs me tight and takes my bag. "I missed you being home!"

"Me too mama!"

"I'm cooking so feel free to hang around."

"I'm gonna head to my room to change, right quick!"

I wanna cook with her like I used to when I was little.

I close the door and try to shuffle out of my tight business clothes.

So I miss Megan? Yes.

Does she miss me? I don't know. For all I know she could be throwing a party at my absence.

I love Megan with my entire being but I feel used every once in a while. I won't even lie. I'm always there for her when she's having a moment but she never cares to be affectionate or anything with me afterwards in her chill, good moments.

I get my sweatpants on and my sister comes barging into my room. She's like 20 now and still on that BS she was on when we was little. Annoying me and not knocking and shot. Some people never grow out of some things.


She runs over to hug me. I missed her too. She's a traveling stylist. She's grown and work takes her away from us.

"What brings you here?"

I shrug and she instantly knows what's wrong.

"Trouble in paradise?"

I nod, "but I don't wanna get into it."

She gives me a small "ok" in understanding and gives me another hug, "yall gotta make up though."

I shrug.


"I don't wanna get into her right now." I say sternly.

"Y'all are made fa eachutha. I'm jus sayin'."

She walks out of my room as soon as her phone rings. I don't question it because honestly she just got me out of line for a moment.


I wake up to a message from an unknown number.


Hey Onika! This is Tiffany.
Missed you after all these years baby. I have a lot to explain.
Coffee or a beer? I'm in town.

I arch my brow and rub my face a little bit. Tiffany is my ex from fucking middle school and high school. I guess it wouldn't be a bad thing to just have a drink.


Coffee sounds good.




at 10 work for you?





Maybe it won't hurt to go out for a coffee.


See you in a bit baby

I close my eyes and lay in bed for one more minute before I get up and start moving to the shower. I guess I have a coffee meeting.


I walk into the house after another outing with Tiffany. Mid laugh I look up and see my mama in pajamas with her arms crossed and her brows raised the living room is dark.

"Sorry, I wake you parking the car?

"No, I've been awake watching my soaps." she clears her throat. "Megan?"

"Tiff and I are just friends, mama. I need a bit of a break from Megan."

"Don't forget, I told her not to break your heart, but you also shouldn't go breakin' hers."

If only she knew. Every time Megan even glances at me she hurts me a little more and more.

"I'm goin' to bed, you should too."

"Right. Night, Nika."

She goes back to her bedroom at the end of the hall and I walk into mines. I kick my heels off and sit on my bed first thing.



Baby, this is Megan

we gotta talk soon about everything. got a couple of things to say to you. wanna make things right.

I just stare at my phone after that. Man, I do miss Megan, but I don't know with her mood and stuff.

Throughout our outings, Tiffany has been touchy and feeling, and she was when we were dating, but amongst all of that, I realized that no matter how much I hate her actions and attitude as of recently but she is the only woman I will ever admire and look at with such passion. Even through her shitty days, I'd look forward to waking up with her and hugging her and kissing away her negative thoughts, and bring there for her.

The excessive amounts of baths that we rsn and sat in and massaged each other's backs in. The amounts of motivational speeches she'd laugh at and give commentary about as if she were a YouTuber. As much as I wanted her tp be inspired by them it was funny to see her poke fun and smile. I don't mind being friends with Tiffany, but Megan will always be mine and mine only.

I don't know how to make things right and I know it'll take time but there's no way I could leave Megan. Not after all of these years.


ik it's 1 in the morning there, so I also wanted to tell you good night and that I love you more than you could imagine and think of.
promise to make everything right bae

I just stare at the screen again before turning it off and then getting changed to some clean and comfy pajamas. Man I miss her.


miss you baby

fuck .



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