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"Hey Megs."

Megan and I are in an unspoken relationship limbo.

We don't hate each other.

We're a bit past the friendship stage.

We are not back together,

It feels like a breath of fresh air to be able to be around her. But it feels like a piece of me is missing but so close at the same time.

It's like you're having an asthma attack and you're inhaler is in a locked room and you know it's in there but you can't do shit cause the key isn't around.

We've expressed over and over again how much we've missed each other in the past couple of weeks. There have been nights where she has sent me texts and I've invited her over and we've slept in my bed together. Or times where she'll say she made something to eat and invite me over for breakfast or lunch and we'll talk.

Little moments like that.

Sometimes we don't say anything aside from a greeting and just stay hugging eachother.

Currently, Megan is in the studio recording and has got her phone on her music stand. She records her verses and then goes back over to fix things if she feels certain words weren't emphasized enough. It's fascinating to see her work. It was then, and it still is now.

She looks at me after a take and winks at me.

"Sounds good."

"You sure? I wasn't sure I had enough enthusiasm." Megan looks unsure on the other side of the screen.

I nod, "I'm positive. You sound perfect."

She clicks her tongue and they begin working on another song. I admire her work ethic and can't get enough. One thing about Megan is she's always hungry.

On my end, I'm just laying in bed, watching her through my MacBook on FaceTime, completely comfortable in my blanket and eating some hot chips.

For a split second, Megan appears to be hiding her phone.

I don't think much of it until I hear a voice on the other end that clearly isn't her or anyone that I know for that matter.

"Hey, beautiful!"

For a split second, the notebook that she tried to move over the phone slides off and I see a woman, grabbing onto Megan's face and I note Megan has her loud facial expression on. You know that expression black people collectively make when uncomfortable? Yeah.


Here she is with these antics. I DON'T WANT HER!

Karly has her hand on my face and won't really let go.i put my hand over here tryna pull her away.

"C'mon, who did your makeup, cuz they ate."

"I did it."

"Course you did. Looks hard as fuck."

"Thanks." I say dryly.

"What's goin' on witchu?"

She taps my shoulder.

"Nothing." I'm just very uncomfortable.

I can see Nicki on the phone pretending to look away. I hope Karly isn't giving her the wrong impression or anything at all.

I'm shocked Julian even let anyone who isn't directly working on my music in here. But I'll get into Julian's ass about that later.

"Lemme hear something."

"No." I say immediately.

"Why you gate keeping? I played you some of my unreleased stuff."

"Karly, please can you go back there with Ju?

"Who are you on the phone with?" She starts to reach over but I pull away.

Honestly, what the hell is gettin' into her? She's been more bold recently.

Karly eventually groans and gets out of the booth and I slide my phone back over.

"Sorry bout that, Nick."

"Who's that?"

"I gotta tell you bout that."

"Y'all had a thing?"

"Naw, but-- yknow, Onika, it's a lot I'll tell you later though. Promise."


I look up and see Karly blowing me kisses, and standing behind Julian.

I nibble on my bottom lip and just focus on my music and Nicki.



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