539 20 1

Warning: HEAVY violence, implied death, weapons...


We're in the studio today. My new producer, Onika, and I.

I've been recording all morning. Onika's been sleep on the rolling chair with her knees tucked to her chest and a blanket on her all morning.

It's around lunchtime but I'm on a roll. Planning to be here as long as it takes to get every thing done.

Last week was hectic. Karly got her end of the bargain and when I heard it happen, I was elated but also was filled with worry from Normani with her coming over.

It was just a lot. I felt sick.

Feel bad that I had to involve Normani in it. She's too nice but at the same time I was finishing what Karly started.

I have no shame in that.

It's simple.

Fuck with Nicki in any way and you go to the grave.

Hurt Nicki = get hurt back.


Hopefully she gets it now.

I ordered some takeout and they're delivering it. I get the notification that the deliverer is here and I pause for a bit to go grab it.

I scratch Onika's head playfully on the way out and get a coat on. I paid digitally and bring a big to pay the tip.

"Thank you." I say to him and take the bags.

I bought enough for catering.

It takes a while with the elevator to get up to the 5th floor but I'm finally back.

There's not a sound though. Not a person in sight.

"Wrong room?" I ask out loud and I hear a click behind me and I feel my chest go a mile a minute.

I then hear muffled screaming and some muffled banging.


My fight mode is activated.

I turn around and see a man dressed in all black, towering over me with a knife my his side. It's not a little pocket knife either, it's a WEAPON.

"You like to send thieves and shit? You like to send men?"


I instantly know.

I hear muffled screaming and more banging. What are they doing to her? Where's my producer?

"Y'all can have all the issues with me that y'all want, don't bring my woman into it though. My lady ain't done a thing to y'all."

The man chuckles and begins to trace the knife over my jawline and I stand still so I don't get knocked and so I can make a plan.

I take a step and feel something on the soundboard. A blade too. Must've been Murda's. He must've pulled it out when this bitch ass dude walked in here.

I swiftly grab it and try to stay still and un suspecting. I look him up and down to see where his protective gear starts and ends.

"Look man, whatever y'all do, I swear on everything-- I ain't jokin' man, y'all touch a cell on Onika's body I'm gonna lose it."

It's like this man summoned Teenage Megan with just this. Onika is so close but so far away.

My heart is pounding out of my chest and my stomach is in a knot and I don't feel good.

All I care about right now is Onika. I know Karly did this.

I find the right spot to slash him, not stab him after he quicks looks back.

He yells and lets me go and I give him enough Lu she's to the head and face to have guns down for a bit.

I realize the sounds are coming from the back closet with extra equipment and move to find a key.

My heart is pounding as I find none and adrenaline kicks in.

I break the door down.

I break in the closet and see a chair with ropes but not Onika.

I see a speaker hooked up and connected and when I approach, I realize the screaming wasn't Onika. Where the hell is she?

I go over to the man and kick him in the head and grab him by his hair.

I'm not playing and he fucking knows it.

"Where. Is. She?"

"Landing strip." He says weakly.

I will die trying to get to her if I have to.

Karly stoops low I go to hell.

I feel like a teenager all over again. I feel a change in my energy automatically at not knowing where Onika is.

I make my way to the stairs fucking bolting.

I catch my breaths as best I can and hold my blade close to me.

Karly's gonna die now. No doubt, I'm gonna make it happen.

I hear loud bangs of doors being forced open behind me they get closer as I see the door to the landing strip get closer.

"Onika." I yell.

She needs to know that I'm close.

I then hear the footsteps of someone following me. Not sure if it's the same dude who tried to hold me against my will, but that shot don't matter.

Onika is the only person on my mind currently.

I see blank black space as I realize I've stopped running.

I hear Onika's actual screams and eventually everything goes dark and silent.


The last I feel is a sharp pain in my stomach.



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