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Tw: fighting/yelling, etc...

I wake up clung to Onika. I'm irritated though. We slept on wet sheets. Plus I made the mistake of going online first thing.

She stirs a bit in the sheets and hugs me tighter but I pull away because it's too hot here for all of that.

I feel bad but it's just another shitty day for me.

I move to get up because Onika tries to snuggle in with me further and she groans.

"Megssssss...." She tries to pull me close and in one swift movement I get up out of the bed. "What's going on witchu?"

"Get off of me number one." I admit straight away my tone is cold but I said it and can't take it back so whatever.

"Megan, why you catchin' all this attitude at 8 in the mornin'?"

She gets up and starts grabbing some clean clothes to get in the shower.

I roll my eyes.

I stay in bed and just wish I could sink into the sheets and be consumed. I feel it's not a good day already.

I hear the shower then on and just begin to sob and just get consumed by a feeling of overwhelmingness.


I get out the shower and I instantly sense Nicki's cooking. It's the best.

"Morning." She has a big smile and we give eachother a quick kiss. "Feeling a bit better?"


"Ight. Sit down."

I do as she says and she sets the plates in front of me and kisses me after each plate. Onika showers me with so much love and care and every time she does I feel undeserving. She's seriously so perfect to me and can do no wrong in my eyes.

I eat the fruit and food that she gave me as she scrambles to try to get dressed. I laugh as I sip my coffee.

Notifications start coming in from Sandra, my manager and I huff. My emotions immediately sour up.

It's odd to me how quickly my mood shifts. I try to force myself to lighten up but I can't. It annoys me.

Onika comes back after walking past me in search of her shoes.

"Is it good?"


On her way back to the bedroom she comes back to try to kiss me as she used to always do but almost instinctually I dodge it.

"Watch out." My tone is harsh.

"Don't say shit like that. If you didn't want the hug I get it bu--"

"And you still talkin'." She's starting to irritate me.

Getting all loud and shit. I hate seeing her this way.

"Since you wanna have an attitude, imma go to the office early."

She quickly goes to our bedroom to grab her bag. I see her exit back out with an extra duffel bag.

"Why you got alla dat?" I stand up and feel my pulse going a mile a minute.

"Because I deserve to not have to wonder why you're always so pissed at every hour of the day! I deserve some level of happiness when I see you! Not anxiety."

She turns on her heels quickly and leaves. I hear her loud breathing until she closes the door softly but with assertion.

I'm already even more curious so I don't try to stop her.

She can go.

I go to the window of the penthouse and look down. We're on the fifth floor so I see her run out and head to the parking garage with tears welled up in her eyes.

It hits me then that I really did hurt her and my chest clenches.

I get my phone to try and text her.

I send a quick, "I'm sorry" but it sends in green. She fucking blocked me.

Did she just fucking leave me?

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