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I'm tired and not feeling well at all. When I try to stand on my feet I feel uneasy and unsteady. I don't know what's going on at all. And I only have Karly to comfort me and be with me right now.

Onika is with her mother solving a legal affair and since it's important, I knew not to tell her about my not feeling well.

Karly made me a chicken noodle soup and that's what I've been sipping on for the past 10 minutes.

"You feeling better?"

"Yeah." I lie.

"You on your period?"


"About to be?" Karly asks. "Like PMS-ing?"


"You eat something that didn't sit right?"


"You been too stressed?"

"No." Surprisingly.

Then it hits me. Nicki and I last had sex like almost 2 months ago. I'm quiet.

"I have leftover tests."

Karly saw right through me, damn.


Im on my 15th test when we hear the front door jangling.

My heart drops to my asshole and I don't let Karly run to open the door.

Only like 2 more tests to pee on and then I'm good. I'm nervous. I'm not ready at all. I wonder if Nicki's ready. What happens when these tests come out positive?

A lot goes through my head at once and I can't handle it.

I take deep breaths and try to focus. This is scary and I could cry. The only reason why I'm not is because I need my vision to be able to see these results.

"Why would you choose her of all people?"

I look up from the packaging and see Karly staring straight into my eyes.

"Karly, now is not the time to be runnin' ya mouth." I groan and roll my eyes.

I start taking every test that she's brought me and I set them one by one on the edge of the sink. Like 5 of them are there.

The tests keep coming up a mix of positive and negative and I'm extremely unsure.

"She walked out on you immediately. I've been here from day one even through every fight!" Karly says with her hands on her hips now and raised brows. "She only wants you because of your fame and money."

"What are you getting to?" I just spit out and pull my pants up. "It betta not be what I'm thinkin'."

Karly is a clown if she thinks I'm gonna chose her over Onika. Period. That last sentence triggered something in me. Nicki has been there for me since before I even stepped in the studio. She was at my first performance, took care of me whenever I got upset some days or sick, and she helped me better myself academically in highschool and college.

"What about her is so great for you."

"She heard me out. She's the same sweet, caring Nicki she's always been."

"What if she hurts you again?"

"Won't happen."

I wash my hands and turn away from the tests and Karly comes closer. I just inch my way out the bathroom.

She's making me wildly uncomfortable with all of this closeness and the anxiety I have with these tests are not making a thing better.

Onika knocks on the front door again and I yell for her to come in.

"Hey, Stalli." She greets and gives me a hug.

She's in her pantsuit so I take it she immediately came here.

"Hey, Nick."

Karly comes rushing out of the bathroom as if to catch up to me and I can't hide the distaste on my face.

"Fuck you doin' all ova ha?! You don't hear ha tellin' you ta stop?"

Nicki forces me behind her and I'm afraid of what Onika could do.


"No cuz what's good?"

Karly looks over to me and looks back and forth between Nicki and I. As if she were speaking to me with her eyes. Nicki doesn't play about me even though we aren't back together. She has never played that.

"Stop." I say sternly over Nicki's shoulder.

"What, baby."

"Don't call me that."

"Ohhhh, is that what this is about?" Onika looks at me then back to Karly who looks like she's planning out what to say. "Cuz, Megs told me she doesn't really care for you."

Karly looks extremely hurt.

Karly speaks with disgust and nothing but, "That's who you popped your pussy for?"

"Don't ever speak to Megan that way again in my presence because I'm not playing."

Onika gets close and I'm afraid they're just gonna swing on each other. Like I said, Onika doesn't play about me even after all these years.

I love her energy but I just don't want that energy around in the air at this moment because I'm anxious and scared.

The timer for the pregnancy tests go off but the both of them are literally on each other. They keep pressing into each other trying to intimidate.

"Get out, I'm done." I say. "Botha y'all. Don't bring that in here."

"Fuck you mean?" Onika asks.

"Get out."

I start coughing as my sickness catches up to me a bit.

"I'm not playing, I will call the damn police."

Karly looks down into Nicki's eyes.

"Fuck you smirkin' fa, bitch? That applies to you too!" Onika says and I'm so physically I'll that if they tussle on eachother I can't stop them.

I need to see those results for peace of mind.

I walk away into the bathroom and grab all of the tests and lock myself in my room.

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