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Tw: mention of health issues!!!


It's been a few weeks now and my thigh is almost all the way heeled. Megan and I have been back home in New York. Not as distant as before, but she told me this morning over breakfast that she wants to talk.

Im more than ready to hear her side.

Crazy how an injury brought us both back together. The moment I landed in the hospital, I realized that running away from her wasn't the answer and have been glued to her side again. Life works in mysterious ways.

We're sat on the couch and I've got my head on her lap.

Megan keeps playing in my faux locs as she watches the tv, which is just the reboot of the proud family.

She's gentle with her movements and focused. As if I were a painting she was focused on.



I look up and Megan's wiping tears.

I go to wipe her tears, but she stops me and just kisses me, "hol' on."

"I found out around the time I had that pregnancy scare—- well..."

"Well?" I arch my brow.

"Remember like a couple of months after that scare I felt like I had a rock in my uterus? Like it felt hard and I was having horrible cramps and stuff?"

I nod. But her symptoms have been controlled with pain medicine. Is it worse, immediately I'm worried for her.

"Tell me. Straight up, get to it."

Megan takes a deep breath and bounces her knee. Oh no. I can just sense it's bad.

"I might have something wrong with my ovary. I suspected uterus because of how low I felt it but it ended up being my left ovary, Nick."

"As in..."

"Doctor found a possible tumor."

Everything in me drops.

She just gives me a flat smile, "It ain't cancerous though, but it's gonna be difficult to take out with my schedule—-"

"Megan, your health is your health, get it out."

"I will, just timing and stuff." She adds. "But all of that and my career, you ain't deserve none of it and I'm not making excuses or anything, but it has been why I've been short witchu."

She looks me feel in the eyes.

"And I'm sorry. You never ever deserve that typa treatment, baby."

"I forgive you."

I can tell her apology came from the soul. Megan is a big softie. I know that from all of my years of knowing her. Even when she was thuggin' she never did extreme things until the very end of things. I sit up and hold her.

I just feel bad because I could figure out what was going on sooner. She was really dealing with some shit and all on her own too. I left her while she was going through all of this on top of that.

"You're going to appointments, right?"

"Yeah, but baby I told you I'm gonna do what I need to relieve the pain so I can go back to normal."

Maybe this ovary thing caused a shift in hormones.

"I feel like I need to go back to therapy."

"Both of us should go." I kiss her.

Couldn't agree more honestly.

"Why ain't you tell me sooner?"

"Cause it's hard. I know how you get when you anxious. Plus I just felt it would've dug a deeper hole." She says. "But I swear on everything, I'm going to therapy."


I mean what do you say to that aside from comfort?

I just bring her close.

"Nick, I'm sorry."

"I forgive you, Babygirl." I insist.

"I swear I'm gone get the help."


After coming home from a grocery trip, I see Meg laying in bed. I mean it all makes sense now.

I brought her some of her favorite snacks and blow her a kiss from the crack of the open door. She gives me a small smile.

I put the groceries away and bring her her favorite chips. I kiss her cheek and she smiles.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too."

"Wanna cuddle?"


I kick my shoes off and move to lay with her.

I wrap my arms around her gently and she opens the bag of hot Cheetos.

"Thanks for the chips, Barbie."

"No problem."

I kiss her cheek and fall asleep with my face nestled in her neck.

Damn I missed this proximity.

Im gonna do whatever I need to take care of her.


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