Nat And Saint

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(On the phone)

Saint: hello son

Nat: hi dad

Saint: the school called me today.

Nat: I can explain.

Saint:  What happened?

Nat: this boy kept on calling me names and since Max wasn't there he couldn't help me out so I pushed him and the coach saw. Please don't tell Papa he will get mad.

Saint: I wont  tell him anything I'm just glad he didn't hit you. 

Nat: will actually he did hit me while calling me names but the coach didn't see it he nly saw me pushing him. 

Saint: oh k. are you home now?

Nat: no I'm in the library getting a book to read for English class I will be home soon tho.

Saint:just make sure you get there before papa gets there you don't want him to see your face all beaten up

Nat: I will try. I just curious how come your not mad at me?? 

Saint:  you only pushed him you didn't beat him up like he did to you. your papa will probably say something different. 

Nat: oh ok than I'm done here. I'm going home now.  

Saint: you better hurry cause your papa is going home so please make there in time and go to your room and stay there until I get home.

Nat: I'm going to my car right now as fast as I can. I will go to room as soon as I get home and get my homework done.

Saint: Alright son be careful. If you need anything before I go home let me know now.

Nat: I do something bring me some snacks the ones that I like please and can you get me some paint brushes I need them for art class.

Saint: Alright love I will get them for youI need to buy some paints too right??

Nat: yea I forgot about that. thanx dad I'm in my car now so I will see you at home.

Saint: alright son see you soon bye.

(end of phone call)

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