Boss and Build

21 2 0

Boss hello papa

Build: hello 

Boss: I'm just letting you know that I will not be coming this week.

Build: may I why??

Boss: welp me and Nouel have a too study for a test next week and I have a project that's also due next week so I have so many things going on all in the same week.

Build: you know your father gets when you don't come but I will try to convince him.

Boss: that's why I'm letting you know now so that you can tell him yourself and also he doesn't too happy with me at the moment.

Build: you know how your father is he cares so much about his children and sometimes he forgets that your all grew up.

Boss: yes I know I will try to come home just don't tell him that I'd be staying with Noeul please.

Build: oh great now that's going to make him even more angry.

Boss:  yes I know but I have too do it cause he needs my help with his math homework and also I don't know how long the project will take us that is why I decided to just stay here for the time being.

Build: That's does make since  because I wouldn't want you driving late at night especially in that motorcycle of yours.

Boss: good I hope father understands and fyi Bank isn't home either.

Build: oh brother do you know where he is??

Boss: nope but all I know that Mos came to pick him up from uni.

Build: oh I will see if your heard from Bank.

Boss: gotta go back to class.

Build: its was your lunch time??

Boss: yes it was and let me tell you lunch ends so fast.

Build: I know honey I understand. have a great day at school.

Boss: love you bye.

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