Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"Where are we landing?" I asked Justin.

"Canada." He replied simply. 

"Isn't that where your family and friends live?" 

"Yeah. Why?" 

"Doesn't it worry you? That we're going to the place you love most while trying to be kidnapped for something?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. How could he not think about that?

"It's not exactly kidnapping...Uh, I'm not that worried." He said locking his gaze with mine.

I could tell he was lying. His eyes looked tired and full of shame almost. He didn't want anything happen to anyone else, like his mom. Which that also confused me too. He's only cried-from what I've seen once-about her. I would be crying for an entire year, if that was my mom. 

"Who exactly lives there?" 

"My grandparents, my dad, my little brother and sister, step mom, couple of good friends..." He trailed off. I had no idea he had siblings.

'What's there names? Your brother and sister?"

"Jaxon and Jasmine or Jazzy for short." His eyes started to light up just talking about them. I couldn't help but smile.

"I can tell you care for them." 

"I do. Anyone hurts Jazzy, they won't be breathing the next day." 

I smiled once again, and then the intercom came on telling us we'll be landing in ten minutes. We had to get into 'safety positions' before we land. I pulled out my iPod, hating the noise the plane makes when you land. It sounds like it's crashing. The next few minutes went smoothly as we touched the ground. I pulled one headphone out as we exited the jet.

"They'll get our bags." Justin said behind me. I nodded and we got into a blacked out Range Rover. I put my head back in relief. I actually felt safe for once in this car. Justin fiddled with them hem of shirt as we drove away from the airport.

The driver speed us through a small Canadian town and stopped at a little house in a little nieghborhood. An older man walked out the door with a slight smile on his face. As the car stopped, Justin smiled. We both exited the car and Justin ran up towards the elderly man. 

"Grandpa!." He said hugging him.

"Hey Justin, how are you doing?" 

"Fine." He smiled. 

"Come in." His grandpa also whispered something else in his ear while looking at me. Hmm, I have no idea who he could be talking about! Justin mouthed 'Come on'. I followed them both into the sweet little home. 

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