Chapter 46

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hi :) *waves hand* sorry that this is so short btw! I'll make the next chapter longer! :) 


Chapter 46

"Not dead?" My mouth was gaping open at Scooter. My eyes were popping right out of my head and I could feel my blood start to boil. 

"Shhh," He spat. "She doesn't need to know. She's been through enough..."

"You don't think I know that?" I harshly whispered getting more and more pissed. I clenched my fist on the counter and I knew any second they would be white.

"Justin, you have to listen to me on this," He paused making sure Kellie wasn't listening. He turned back to me and captured my gaze. "You are clearly not in shape to go after him, so Anthony and Liam are going to. You need to trust them, they'll get through this."

I licked my lips thinking about something. "But I though Twist shot him?" I said remembering the one gunshot I heard. 

"He hit him but somehow he got out alive," He said shaking his head slightly. 

I groaned in frustration. "So what is gonna happen if they don't get him?" I asked trying to keep my calm. It's taking all of my sanity not to go after him right here and now. 

"They will get him, and kill him, and we won't ever have to deal about him again," He said in relief. I pictured that in my head. That would be amazing for one day but forever? Fucking awesome. I won't have to worry about myself as much, my family, and her. Kellie. I could feel my heart slowing down it's pace. 

"But, you have to trust them Justin and do not tell her," He whispered. "If she finds out, she won't even go take a shower by herself," He continued. I wouldn't mind to be in there with her. I smirked at the thought. 

Is you serious? This is important.

I snapped from the stupid little bitch inside my head. "Yeah, yeah, got it," I whispered. For once I have to trust someone who used to do dirty work with me. Great. I rested my hands on the counter and watched Scooter get up and start to walk out. 

"Oh and Justin, if she does find out get her to be calm about it okay?" 

"Okay, I promise," I said and then he finally left. I heard Kellie say a goodbye and then the front door shut. I wanted to moved, but I couldn't. And not because of my stomach either. I was just numb from the news. Yes, I know that Anthony and Liam could do the job but I'm worried that something will happen to them and he'll escape again. 

"Justin?" Kellie's voice rang through the kitchen. I looked up at her and she had a worried look on her face. "Is everything okay?" She asked coming over to sit beside me. 

"Yeah every thing's fine," I smiled pulling her closer to me. She rested her head on my shoulder and sighed. I hated lying to her even though I did for about two months. 

"I'm tired," She said in the middle of a yawn. 

I chuckled slightly. "I can tell," She sat up from my shoulder and then she reached out her hand. I looked at her confused. 

"I'm not going to bed by myself like I have for the past few weeks, so let's go," She said grabbing my hand and helping me up carefully. "You can walk up the stairs right?" 

"Babe, I'm not crippled, just don't let me fall," I said into her ear. She smiled and we walked carefully up the many steps to the second floor. She walked me to my room and sat me on the bed. I watched her take her pants off leaving her in her shirt. I felt myself tightening in my pants. What? Don't judge me, I have barely kissed her in forever let alone have sex. A guy has needs. She crawled over to me in the bed and rested her head on my chest. I wrapped an arm around her tiny waist. She really needs to eat, it looks like she's lost twenty pounds. I also noticed the scars on her body which pained me inside. 

"Kels?" I asked. She looked up in locked eye contact. 


"What did he do to you?" I whispered not really wanting to know, but I just needed to know. 

"What?" She asked confused. 

"What did Delgotta do to you?" 

"Oh, um...I really don't want to talk about it..." She trailed off drawing shapes on my chest.

"Oh, okay then," I said feeling a little disappointed. 

"But I tell you if you want."

"No, no, no, tell me whenever you feel comfortable," I said rubbing up and down her arm sending shivers through her body. 

"it's just a lot for me- wait. What is that?" She said sitting up.

I looked over to where she was looking. "What?"

"That! Over there!" She pointed to the closet door. I then noticed the thing she ws talking about - I think. 

"That paper?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows. 

"Yes!" She said getting up and going over to it. She bent down (which I had to turn away from) and grabbed the paper. She turned back around and opened it up. She read it to herself once and then looked at me.

"Who is Collin Farris?" 

My stomach dropped. 

A/N I'm back bitchesssss!! Whoop! Can I just say Justin is feeling very sexually deprived in this chapter hahahahaha! I would have uploaded this yesterday but I was soooooo tired I just went to bed when I got home. But tell me if you liked this and I wovvvvv you all sooooooo much! :) <3 

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