Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"So you actually, like, checked out Justin Bieber?" Anna said, clocking out of her work station. She muted the last two words, like somebody from the government was watching us.

"Yeah, he didn't just say much, just kinda, I don't know, stared." I replied grabbing my bags from the floor.

"Oh, that's freaking awesome! Let's go to Starbucks, I need coffee in my system." She said rubbing her stomach. I chuckled, and we locked arms and strutted out of the Macy's to my car. We were going to take my car, and then bring her back to get her car. 

We drove about ten minutes listening to the radio, chatting about our sales prices today, and other pointless things. Anna-Banana was a pretty big fan of Justin, just not one of those die-hard fans. I mean I like him, but I don't really freak over things like that. You know, One Direction, almost all of my friends love them, same with Justin.

We pulled up into Starbucks, and I went up to Anna, and locked arms.

"What do are you getting?" She asked me, walking in.

"I don't know, maybe the mocha?" I said looking at the menu.

The guy who was taking peoples orders, kept checking us out. It made me feel uncomfortable. My last boyfriend, used to be abusive sometimes. So boys, except Zander, they weren't exactly my cup of tea. It was our turn to order and Anna went first.

"I'll have the mocha, hot, please." She got out her wallet, and she never took her eyes on him.

"Okay, and you miss." He referred to me.


"Okay." He said punching in the orders, telling us the total. I handed him my money and Anna did the same. I caught a glimpse of his name tag. Thomas. Well this Thomas dude, better keep his hands away from me. Anna, he's all yours.

"Thank you." We said simultaneously. He nodded in return.

"Wait, can I have your number?" He asked to Anna. She nodded and programed it into his iPhone. He said thanks and we walked out. I slapped Anna on her butt.

"Get there Anna." I said hopping back into my convertible. She let out a laugh, and hopped in. On the way back, we watch as each and every star started to appear. I saw the California coast line. Some surfers still surfing, some families leaving the beach. It was beautiful here in California, in the LA area. I've never really been anywhere except LA. 

"Turn up the radio!" She said cheerfully.

"Okay, okay." I said turning it up. This song suits perfectly for happened today, meeting Mr. Bieber.

"As long as you l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-love me, as long as you l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-love me!" We sang along. Seriously, I hate to admit it, but this is most defiantly my favorite song at the moment. Anna started rapping Big Sean's part, and let me tell you, that girl can rap. We finished the last chorus, and broke down laughing.

"Wonder what would happen if we put video's of us on Youtube?"

"Get laughed at." I said still laughing. I turned the radio back down, as we pulled into the mall. I dropped Anna off at her car.

"Wait, I got a present for you!" She sang. I got out of my car, and she handed me a box. "Bye!" She chirped.

I opened it and there was note. Jeez, she could have just handed me the note.

Kels! Go into my counter and there should be a couple boxes for you! xox- Anna Banana :)

I rolled my eyes and went back into the mall. Everyone was about to close, so I got a couple weird looks. I just ignored them.

I got to her counter and looked around for boxes that had my name on them. Nothing. What the hell? I looked around once more and finally found them. The wrapper had my name on it. I smiled and shook my head.

"Your so weird." I mumbled.

I opened the first box, and there was my make-up, and the next box, was pretty heavy. I opened it there was a Believe CD, and Justin's new fragrance, Girlfriend.

"And I couldn't have thought, you could be any weirder." I said, smiling.

I put them back into the boxes and bags. When I looked up I saw two men about twenty feet away, in black suits, and sunglasses. Sunglasses? Who wears sunglasses inside? Them. They were staring at me which just added the creepy factor. I walked out of the store hesitantly. I grabbed my phone out of my back pocket, and before I knew it, I heard somebody yelling. What?

"Look out!" A guy said running at me. He rammed his body into mine, and we fell to the hard ground. I heard a crack. Dang it, my make-up broke! Who the hell was this person? Soon after, really soon after, I heard a gunshot.

He grabbed my hand, and we ran around the corner of the mall and he stopped. "It's okay, your okay. Right?" Justin.

"Justin? Bieber? What the heck is going?!" I said frantically? "I don't think almost getting shot is, ok." I said sarcastically.

"I know, sorry. Just where is you car?" He said looking right at me. He broke his stare put his hand in is jacket. When he grabbed what he did, it shocked me, Justin Bieber had a gun, in his shirt!

"Don't worry you're gonna be fine."

We heard another gunshot. I jumped and turned back to Justin.

"What is going on?"

"I'll try to explain later. Just where is your car?"

"The white convertible." I said. He nodded and motioned me to follow him. He took my bags and my hand and we ran to my car. Hearing gunshots everywhere. I jumped in the passengers seat and he took the drivers. 

H drove off, and the last thing I remember was hearing a gunshot, a pain in my right shoulder, and Justin's piercing brown eyes at me..

A.N. Feedback Appreciated<3 :)

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