Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

-Justin's POV-

Currently looking over at Kellie, she seemed so at ease in her sleep. Probably because she hasn't had much sleep. Why can't there just be one big hospital bed for both of us. I just want to feel her again. I miss her. I knew it was going to be hard getting her out of there, but it never occured to me that she would get shot. Especially by me. She is the reason she is in this fucking place. Me. The way she cried after it happened broke my heart. Just knowing I did that, I feel like nothing that I would do, she wouldn't forgive. She couldn't forgive me. Yes we both got shot, but I did it to her. Delgotta - I think - shot me. Yes it hurts, but I can't imagine what it feels like for her. She's been shot in her shoulder twice. Fucking twice

"Justin?" Her eyes fluttered open in the dark. "You awake?" 


"I can't sleep," She said turning to meet my gaze. 

"Me neither," I said not wanting anymore but to hold her. 

"We're to far away," She said while giggling. 

"I know." I smiled to her reaching out my hand. She reached out hers but then winced back in pain. "You okay Kels?" 

"Yeah, fine, just a bit sore that's all." 

My hand dropped and so did my smile. 

"What's wrong?" 

"Nothing," I shook my head.

"Cut the crap Justin. I know you. And I know when something wrong with you," She said.

I looked over at her making sure not to break to eye contact.

"You want to know what's wrong?" I said raisng my voice a bit. "I'm the reason you're in here Kels! Don't you get that?!" I said almost yelling.

"Justin, don't blame yourself. It-it was a mistake!" She said in a hissed whisper. 

"But it was my fault! I could have handle the situation better, I-I know I could've."

"Justin stop." She said with a tone. "I don't care okay. We're finally together. That should be all that matters. Is right here and right now," She said going back to regular tone. 

I sighed breaking our eye contact. I stared up at the ceiling not really knowing what to say. "I guess you're right." 

"I'm always right."

I smile started to form on my face. That's the Kellie that I miss. 

-Kellie's POV-

"Okay, so they both need to take these medicines for pain, but she needs to take these others for her menstraul cycle," The nurse said. 

"I did not need to here that," Justin snarled. I shot him a shut-the-fuck-up-or-no-sex look. And it worked. 

"Thank you so much. So they are free to go right?" Scooter asked. Justin and I were currently sitting in wheelchairs - let the laughing begin- and listening for instructions. 

"And absolutely no dancing or excersing for him," The nurse said pointing to Justin. 

"No exercising?" He said furrowing his eyebrows. 

"Lay off the Mcdonalds and you won't have to," Scooter said jokeingly. Justin rolled his eyes in responce. 

"Is that all?"

"Yes, sir, just sign here and here, then they're free to go." She smiled handing Scooter two papers. Once he signed them she took them and looked at us smiling. 

"Hope you get better," She continued smiling. "Oh and by the way, you can walk out sweetie because you're not injured in your stomach," Then she left. 

I smiled crept on my face as a man helped me out of the wheelchair. Justin kept eyeing me in jealousy. 

"Lucky bitch," He chuckled being rolled out of the room. I followed behind him and Scooter followed behind me. Once we got outside (which took forever) a car waited for us. Justin got in first with help from a few people and then I got in. Scooter shut the door behind me and then got in the passengers seat up front. 

I looked over at Justin who was looking out the window. I grabbed his hand quickly and his head shot around to me. I intertwined his fingers with mine and he smiled. Genuine smile. 

That's the Justin I miss. 

A/N Heyyy so I thought I'd give a quick update :) I'm in a good mood (minus boys) and I'm lovin it. So I've decided this, I'm gonna try get to 50 chapters maybe up to 55 and then this book will be OVERRRR. *le starts sobbing* So yeah, but don't worry sequelisgonnacomesoonsodontpanic. :D I'll give you a hint about it, it's gonna be about the people on that list. hehe wonder who remembers it ;)


Okay byeeeee for now meh lovelies <3 

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