Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

"Zander?" I stood there in shock with my mouth gaping out. 

His peircing blue eyes never left mine. "Kels,-"

"Don't. Call me that," I said through gritted teeth. "What the living fuck, is going on?" 

"If you want to know you might want to stop interrupting me. Kellie, Justin isn't good..." He trailed off. 

"Yeah says my 'best friend' who threatened to kill me yesterday." I put quotations signs on the those two words. Best friend. Fuck that. 

"Listen, I know things about Justin that would want you to never see his face again. He's done so many terrible things that you could never imagine. He's not that person on TV, he's not that person you think he is." He said taking his gloves off.

"And how would you know?" I asked making sure to keep my distance. 

He sighed heavily before opening his mouth. "Because I used to be a small part of what he does. I have proof too, so don't go and start defending him..." 

"What do you mean a 'small part' of what he does? What the hell does he do then?" 

He took a seat at the chair in front of my desk. "Sit down. It's a long story." 

Groaning deep in my throat I made my way over to my bed. I sat on the edge and made sure I was listening. "Go on." 

"So to start out, yes Justin didn't want to be labeled a pussy. I knew Twist and his crew way before Justin did, Justin, this kid named Liam, and I were the white boys at the time." He stopped to take a second to laugh. Liam. He was one of the guys who helped save Pattie. "Yeah they had to do some dirty work here and there, but I never did."

"What do you mean dirty work?" I asked cocking my head. 

"I'm talking about all of the killing and shit. I never did that. I refused, but on the other hand Justin was the first one to volunteer. He could kill someone in two seconds. No hesitation. No guilt. I don't see how he did it." He broke his eye contact with me and looked at the floor. "I still don't see how he does it." 

"I know there's more. Tell me. Now." I demanded. "Or give me evidence or something, besides the stupid ass pictures!" I said raising my voice.

"Okay, here." He reached inside his jacket again and it looked like a picture. He held out his hand and I snatched it out as quick as I could. I looked at it and it was Zander, Liam, and Justin. They looked around thirteen or fourteen. They all looked happy as if nothing was wrong with them, they looked normal.

"What is this?" I asked looking at it even more. 

"We were all like thirteen there. Just learning how to pick up a gun. Nothing made sense to me until I was sixteen. That's why I quit. "

"I don't fucking care about how old you guys were. I don't fucking care about why you quit. I just want to fucking know what he does! Stop stalling and tell me!" I said yelling at him. His blue eyes went from confident to scared. 

"This is going to sound confusing at first, but there is this list. There is thirteen names on that list. Those thirteen people are threats to him. He wants them dead. And since he's to much of a cock he won't do it so that's where Justin comes in. Since Justin is the best after all..." He trailed off. 

"But it's almost as if Justin doens't want this lifestyle. He says it destroys him." I said throwing the picture him the floor. 

"That's why he's coming after you and Justin. He mainly wants you because you're the thing making Justin not want to do this. Once you're gone Justin will have no where to turn but to him." 

I felt a sudden chill run up my back. He's coming after me? Well, I'm screwed. But aside from this new thing on my mind I needed to get an old situation off my mind. 

"Were you the person who trashed Justin's apartment in Canada?" I asked.

"No." He said flatly. 

"Were you the person who was standing outside the balcony?" 

"Nope." Zander said with still no emotions on his face. 

I groaned in frustration. This is getting me nowhere. "Were you the person who was in the hotel across the street in New York?" 

"Yeah, that was me. Before you start bombarding me with questions, I was doing it to make sure you were okay. I couldn't lose my best friend." 

"I guess I have to say thanks to that. But who was the person at the other places then?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. 

"It was most likely him." He said. 

"I'm sick and tired of hearing him, who is him for god sakes?!" I said running a hair through my hair. 

"Wow, he's really told you nothing." He laughed. 

"Zander..." I warned. 

He sighed. "His name is Tom Delgatto. Or Delgotta for short." 

-Justin's POV-

"What do you mean Jay and Peyton are dead?" I asked gripping my phone. 

"That's exactly what I mean, we went back to the warehouse when they never came back. Both of there bodies were found dumped in a nearby river." Liam said. 

"God dammit, it's like he's a step ahead every time we think we're in front of him." I ran a hand nervously through my hair. 

"Dude, I'm gonna call Anthony and see is he's found out anything new. Talk to you soon." 

And with that he hung up. As soon as I find that son of a bitch, I'm gonna fucking torture him like he has me these so many years. Then, I'm gonna blow his brains out. 

'Zander.' My subconscious told me. It repeated the bastards name over and over. I can't let them be together. He could tell her stuff that was meant just for us. Not even Kellie. 'Zander.' 

"Shut up." I muttered to myself. 


I whipped my head around. Nothing. I turned back towards my phone pulling up Kellie's caller ID. 

"Ahh, Justin. I see you still never take directions really well." 

A/N HOLY FUDGE GUYS! YOU KNOW WHO 'HIM' IS NOW! DON'T YOU LOVE ME?!?! 30 CHAPTERS IN I THINK IT WAS TIME TO STOP TORTURING YOU! :) Okay so this was short but mainly because I'm going to bed in like five minutes soo yeah maybe new chapter tomorrow! :) and longer ;)

NO new questions again! Peace out. Eat Nutella. And go twerk. 

He's Just... Different {Justin Bieber}Where stories live. Discover now